Grumpy Old Git.
Hi Terry, Guys,
I just use a cheap permanent maker !
I just use a cheap permanent maker !
Hi Terry, Guys,
I just use a cheap permanent maker !
It all comes down to what the importer/dealer wants to pay for the goods, as the saying goes, there's quality, delivery and price, you can have any two of them.It baffles me why the China made machines frequently have good engineering designs, good bearings, etc. lots of quality machining and then screw up a nice machine by saving nearly nothing on Quality Control.
John Ruskin. He was a guy that was good enough to have a prestigious English University name. after him , wrote as follows:-
"There is hardly anything in this World that someone cannot sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person's lawful prey. It is unwise to pay too much but bit is worse to pay too little"
By the way - I thought I'd report back that since I did the thermal expansion/contraction trick mounting my drill chuck, it has not dropped off once. I've made a few parts in the mill. Roughly three dozen operations, which I consider opening & closing the chuck on different cutters. It's a noticeable improvement.
Whoa! Didn't knowthere was a difference. I will keep that in mind the next time I have to buy some--in about 10 years.I wouldn't use engineers blue for marking out. That is greasy mucky stuff used as a 'witness' when fitting parts together, I'd prefer to use 'layout blue' which dries hard and quickly.
I'm past 90 years and can't hold my original tolerances eitherI am past 80tears old and my drill chuck hasn't fallen off yet (although it doesn't seem to hold its original warranty tolerances) Cant seem to make the expansion/contraction process work either☹
Ray M
Have you checked the TIR with a tool in it? I was not happy with mine, sent it back for new jaws and still not much improved.I have a Albrecht keyless drill chuck on my mill with a intergral R-8 shank made in Germany, not cheep but worth every penny....packrat
Quote " Albrecht chuck on a no name R8 adapter and got much improved runout "
Buy the drill chuck with a intergral R-8 shank and you will be happy with the run out, no laping needed...