kvom said:Anchors would make sense if the sill plate were steel.
tel said:Dynabolts are made to fasten at least 6" and Loxons are only limited by the length of bolt/threaded rod you can buy. They are standard practice over here and have been since Ramset nails fell out of fashion.
Metal Mickey said:Bob, your'e going to need a lot of curtains to stop the draught! Didn't you consider windows? :big: :big:
rake60 said:Looks like the frame work of a shop made in heaven to me Bob!
Have you asked the wife how she might feel about a kitchen in
a shipping container? It couldn't hurt to ask... Much...
No would ever notice the scars unless you pointed them out.![]()
Oh, I better close this page NOW.
MY wife is coming down the stairs!
No! Military serice teaches "Never volunteer!: :Must be military service which teaches "Discretion is the better part of Valour"