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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2020
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I know this is for home machinist and tool makers so I thought I’d describe what ice seen in the med field as most mechanical things have men made by mechanical engineers and ultimately in the shop.

So I get bad news bone cancer myeloma First sit the test a bone biopsy this is drilling a hole in the hip bone and extracting a core sample . Oh boy what’s this look like! Well is a ver miniature core drill or brutish hole saw. Precision beyond belief. The needle has a point like a very tiny hole saw teeth and all aster mild sedation the doc poke this into the top of hip bone gives a twist to sink it a bit deeper then inserts an even smaller hole saw to extract the core which looks terrible then he measures it to be sure it’s long enough for microscopic visual it ion some knobs of electron microscope that gives everything needed an gives a report . The whole process takes about 15 minutes then comes the treatment He says a shot or or infusion rather than radiation . Fine I got almost a100 page book to read up on proceedures and effects so we go to the infusion site no idea what happens heer here but lots of people getting them 2 mg is what it supposed to be well that doesn’t sound too bad the nurse brings a cart with all the stuff. Infusion means an iv bag . Turns out this is for hydration The only sweating I’ll be doing is the needle stings so the iv is in then I get the bad news I’ll be getting the shot in my belly yikes! Ok I’ve don these myself but the thing is 2-3” long I ask if it goes in all the way yep nearly now I’m really sweating good reason too that’s the biggest 2 mg I’ve ever seen . I tried counting the time but lost count 5 minutes or more I swear that needle came out my back when she was done I slid my hand behind me to see if it was wet . Nope it all in me some place I have admit that the thinnest needle I’ve ever seen. I was just hoping it didn’t bend on the way in . A credit to modern machine technology . Doing a little math in head means sh must have had a ver steady hand as ther was no needle guide. Probably a titanium alloy I haven’t received the bill yet I asked if I could have the remaining stuff but that’s against health rules I couldn’t even have the iv bag or hose . Turns out you can buy this stuff at local pharmacy or med supply house many Rc jet guys use iv bags for fuel tanks .
So the book says all kinds of nasty side effects . Then on the other hand nothing I’ve heard stuff like this before and I seem to fall on the other side but so far today I’m just infinitely hungry fortunately we just got groceries so we’ll stocked but wallet is empty sadly LOL

I WROTE A short RESONSE TO A FRIEND ON HOW A ROBOT MIGHT HAVE HANDLED THIS BUT doue to the recent artificial intelligence stuff on the news I’d put it up but probably get banned . Robot are supposed to follow Asimov 3 laws of robots my version was exactly opposite LOL. I may also write another of this treatment but again I’ll not be able to post it as I like this site above about all others I visit and I’d not like to get banned for wrong doing.

I know this is for home machinist and tool makers so I thought I’d describe what ice seen in the med field as most mechanical things have men made by mechanical engineers and ultimately in the shop.

So I get bad news bone cancer myeloma First sit the test a bone biopsy this is drilling a hole in the hip bone and extracting a core sample . Oh boy what’s this look like! Well is a ver miniature core drill or brutish hole saw. Precision beyond belief. The needle has a point like a very tiny hole saw teeth and all aster mild sedation the doc poke this into the top of hip bone gives a twist to sink it a bit deeper then inserts an even smaller hole saw to extract the core which looks terrible then he measures it to be sure it’s long enough for microscopic visual it ion some knobs of electron microscope that gives everything needed an gives a report . The whole process takes about 15 minutes then comes the treatment He says a shot or or infusion rather than radiation . Fine I got almost a100 page book to read up on proceedures and effects so we go to the infusion site no idea what happens heer here but lots of people getting them 2 mg is what it supposed to be well that doesn’t sound too bad the nurse brings a cart with all the stuff. Infusion means an iv bag . Turns out this is for hydration The only sweating I’ll be doing is the needle stings so the iv is in then I get the bad news I’ll be getting the shot in my belly yikes! Ok I’ve don these myself but the thing is 2-3” long I ask if it goes in all the way yep nearly now I’m really sweating good reason too that’s the biggest 2 mg I’ve ever seen . I tried counting the time but lost count 5 minutes or more I swear that needle came out my back when she was done I slid my hand behind me to see if it was wet . Nope it all in me some place I have admit that the thinnest needle I’ve ever seen. I was just hoping it didn’t bend on the way in . A credit to modern machine technology . Doing a little math in head means sh must have had a ver steady hand as ther was no needle guide. Probably a titanium alloy I haven’t received the bill yet I asked if I could have the remaining stuff but that’s against health rules I couldn’t even have the iv bag or hose . Turns out you can buy this stuff at local pharmacy or med supply house many Rc jet guys use iv bags for fuel tanks .
So the book says all kinds of nasty side effects . Then on the other hand nothing I’ve heard stuff like this before and I seem to fall on the other side but so far today I’m just infinitely hungry fortunately we just got groceries so we’ll stocked but wallet is empty sadly LOL

I WROTE A short RESONSE TO A FRIEND ON HOW A ROBOT MIGHT HAVE HANDLED THIS BUT doue to the recent artificial intelligence stuff on the news I’d put it up but probably get banned . Robot are supposed to follow Asimov 3 laws of robots my version was exactly opposite LOL. I may also write another of this treatment but again I’ll not be able to post it as I like this site above about all others I visit and I’d not like to get banned for wrong doing.

I did further research today the first bone biopsy I had was in the hospital the needle tool was a tee handle thin much like Allen wrench tools this one I didn’t really see the doc handle the needle tool however now there are battery powered tools , alright electric drills. LOL I did not see or hear any electric stuff and there was no side to side wobble however docs are closely trained to do this some times ther is a needle guide again because the area is numbed you won’t feel it . All info know is this is not something that fun to have done so far the first treatment has had no side effects that are common I have 4 more weekly treatments so I probably see some then. I’m more interested in the mechanics of this stuff so that what I’ll try writing about if some one doesn’t think this is appropriate just let me know and I’ll stop By the way I found how needles are made they are cut from stainless steel as a strip then rolled to a tube and laser welded that in itself would be interesting iv done some weldin with laser in a vacuum. But nothing as fine and focused as this would be some welded needles are drawn through a die then s remain rod sizes the weld if necessary all this is done with really high tech inspection equipment not seen in the ordinary machine shop no idea of cost I’m glad I’ll not a cost accountant I’d probably be a patient now . LOL. Cost accounting would not be an object .

Sorry to hear of your troubles Byron, your's make mine seem insignificant. Take care.
I don't think the inventors of todays computer guided missiles and war machines taught Asimov's law to their creations.
I guess I didn’t finish the event . Th doc said I’d get a 2 mg shot well 2mg of about anything is not very much except if it’s mixed with other things . Anyway I didn’t know about the saline badrip bag well that’s just a big stick and it drops a drop every once in a while like three hours to finish . So the nurse goes to get the shot device injection . She comes back with a cart a syringe with about a 3 inch needle and says this goes in your tummy . Yikes I’m ready to leave but they have a seat belt probably just to prevent escapes . She this will sting a little . I about passed out I had to give myself tummy shots when I got out of the hospital a couple years ago. 20 to be exact . Each one left a little red dot so I did my initial . Back at the hospital the nurse was surprised at my humor .
Any way I told the nurse here that the long needle would go all the way through me nope not quite but the string was much like I use in Rc models to prime the engine carbs. It had to be close to 2 ounces not 2 mg well I tried to count hoe long it took but lose count after she was done I just had to slip my hand behind me to see if it was wet . Only a little from sweating . So I was done and walked out unassisted . 4 more weeks in a row for this . No need for sympathy it’s just part of getting old not contagious or heritary just the result of some germs fling around then saying “ let’s get that guy” It’s really amazing how these needles are made usually 321 stainless or higher alloy the points are ground on a special machine just for the operation I’m not sure how they are debited there are two common angles and I’m sorry I’ve forgotten them . I have to say there was perfect patient care at this clinic I was like some kind of royalty . So I go again Friday if I have anything interesting I’ll note it I had my phone with me and was going to take pictures but in view of others there I though it best not to do this .
The Wife got an epidural shot during birth delivery-around 10"-11" long. If You do not know what that is I won't be describing it here. Look it up. Never knew needles went any near that length.
The Wife got an epidural shot during birth delivery-around 10"-11" long. If You do not know what that is I won't be describing it here. Look it up. Never knew needles went any near that length.
Crikey! That’s a very long needle for an epidural, the longest I’ve heard of is 15cm, or about 6”. Although the longest I’ve seen, admittedly over 40 years ago, would have been nearer 8cm. The plastic cannulae which are threaded through them are longer, of course.
I remember thinking He could kill Her from anywhere with that. It's amazing how to hit a target from that distance.
The Wife got an epidural shot during birth delivery-around 10"-11" long. If You do not know what that is I won't be describing it here. Look it up. Never knew needles went any near that length.
I had a different nurse this week . Ironically the same looking needle went in almost painlessly there must be a relatively wide tolerance on sharpness of the pint. I asked where the needle went. She said it goes under the skin . She laughed when I said yeah between layers of fat. She said no in your case you are pretty solid for 80+ Excellent treatment they are so caring at this clinic interesting I had my blood oxy idle gage with me the ride home was like a ride in nascar upset went up 1 pints . I don’t know where these drivers come from but they are all floor it then slam on brakes Glad I don’t have to pay for tires brakes and gas I’ll never get used to this type of driving They barely speak English. the directions surprisingly are in English but there is a following arrow. The driver used signal to get on highway and off at my exit otherwise weaving in and out of traffic Glad to get home in one piece. They were on time however. Sitting in back seat you can’t see forward we’ll because of head rest on the way to the clinic the driver missed the entrance road so had to make u turn and go back I saw the sign as we drove by well at least I was a bit early . Same thin coming up for two more weeks then the doc will determine if I need more or less often treatments so far other than lack of energy no side effects , so that’s very good. Considering there is a full page of side effects
Bentwings, I betting you're going to be just fine!! You're interested in what is being done to you, and how could use the
tubing and such, same as me!! While the illness is important, you're not dwelling on it. As you, I'm always interested in the "mechanics" of
what's going around me. When I had my knee replaced 4-5 years ago, as I was getting ready to leave, I see a "rats nest" of
tubing and such. I asked the nurse what happens to that. Trash, she says. I said "You know, I could that for my mini steam engines."
She says, "I didn't see you pack it in your going home bag."
And now, sometime this summer/fall I get to have the other knee replaced!! More tubbing and supplie3s!!
I had a different nurse this week . Ironically the same looking needle went in almost painlessly there must be a relatively wide tolerance on sharpness of the pint. I asked where the needle went. She said it goes under the skin . She laughed when I said yeah between layers of fat. She said no in your case you are pretty solid for 80+ Excellent treatment they are so caring at this clinic interesting I had my blood oxy idle gage with me the ride home was like a ride in nascar upset went up 1 pints . I don’t know where these drivers come from but they are all floor it then slam on brakes Glad I don’t have to pay for tires brakes and gas I’ll never get used to this type of driving They barely speak English. the directions surprisingly are in English but there is a following arrow. The driver used signal to get on highway and off at my exit otherwise weaving in and out of traffic Glad to get home in one piece. They were on time however. Sitting in back seat you can’t see forward we’ll because of head rest on the way to the clinic the driver missed the entrance road so had to make u turn and go back I saw the sign as we drove by well at least I was a bit early . Same thin coming up for two more weeks then the doc will determine if I need more or less often treatments so far other than lack of energy no side effects , so that’s very good. Considering there is a full page of side effects
Many years ago I went to Istanbul on business. I was telling the bosun at our sailing club this, and he informed me that he had just returned from a short holiday there. He described and interesting modification which appears to be mandatory for all Turkish taxis; the brake pedal is disconnected from the brakes and connected to the horn. He appears to be correct in this.
I had a different nurse this week . Ironically the same looking needle went in almost painlessly there must be a relatively wide tolerance on sharpness of the pint. I asked where the needle went. She said it goes under the skin . She laughed when I said yeah between layers of fat. She said no in your case you are pretty solid for 80+ Excellent treatment they are so caring at this clinic interesting I had my blood oxy idle gage with me the ride home was like a ride in nascar upset went up 1 pints . I don’t know where these drivers come from but they are all floor it then slam on brakes Glad I don’t have to pay for tires brakes and gas I’ll never get used to this type of driving They barely speak English. the directions surprisingly are in English but there is a following arrow. The driver used signal to get on highway and off at my exit otherwise weaving in and out of traffic Glad to get home in one piece. They were on time however. Sitting in back seat you can’t see forward we’ll because of head rest on the way to the clinic the driver missed the entrance road so had to make u turn and go back I saw the sign as we drove by well at least I was a bit early . Same thin coming up for two more weeks then the doc will determine if I need more or less often treatments so far other than lack of energy no side effects , so that’s very good. Considering there is a full page of side effects
I’ve thought of that I kinda wanted the iv bag but it still had a little in it . Turns out you can but them at pharmacy . I don’t get many tubes the iv port was pretty messy so I didn’t ask for it . Needles and syringes get trashed very quickly so nothing there you can get the good tubing from mc master carr as well as Lethe fittings I’m in process of making air manifold for my steamer and turbine line
I blew out a knee trading big K 9 dogs years ago I’ve asked about fixing it but the doc says leave it the tendons and muscles are all wrecked too. He was amazed that I continued to play sports most of my life. I have a friend who just had a new knee installed he to now uses a cane . I won’t know for a couple weeks yet how the treatment is working. So far ok I guess . It seems to have taken much of my energy which is an issue or side effect the doc says that may improve down the road . I hope so I can see where the inactivity can drif into depression but it’s a mind set I YHINK as long as I can read and converse with guys like here it’s not bad. Too bad this spell check messes up posts one medication makes me hoarse so I sound terrible but that’s not translatable my kitty doesn’t mind she is looking for brushing and pets all the time. Byron
I blew out a knee trading big K 9 dogs years ago I’ve asked about fixing it but the doc says leave it the tendons and muscles are all wrecked too. He was amazed that I continued to play sports most of my life. I have a friend who just had a new knee installed he to now uses a cane . I won’t know for a couple weeks yet how the treatment is working. So far ok I guess . It seems to have taken much of my energy which is an issue or side effect the doc says that may improve down the road . I hope so I can see where the inactivity can drif into depression but it’s a mind set I YHINK as long as I can read and converse with guys like here it’s not bad. Too bad this spell check messes up posts one medication makes me hoarse so I sound terrible but that’s not translatable my kitty doesn’t mind she is looking for brushing and pets all the time. Byron
The major thing I’ve noticed since I became the old guy in the family is physical condition. I played sports from about seventh grade to my final baseball game at 72. You don’t have to do punishing gym stuff. Just a walk. It doesn’t have to be miles just comfortable. Try to eat at least somewhat healthy and get some sleep doc adds drink plenty of water other than coffee. I do a couple floor exercises but it’s hard to just get to the floor. I keep a couple light hand bar bells on my bedside stand so I can do a few exercises right in bed . Lazy? No but it’s still some exercise. I walk almost every day about 1/2 mile up to the mail box. I check blood oxy and pulse each trip seldom raises pulse more than 10 Cold and snow boost it a little more. Rain makes it uncomfortable thus frustrating which boost rate a couple points . I weigh a good deal less than high school . doc says weight is fine. Point is that try to maintain fitness even if it a lower level before you get too old . If you are in reasonable shape and not too heavy at 70 life will be easier. Just my opinion . Earlier this year my son visited. We went to the local batting cage as he was just getting read for his baseball season . I just had to try it even though it strictly against doc rules but I hit a couple solid med speed pitches pretty hard . Son said that’s enough dad you must sit down I don’t want to call 911.

I have a number of friends my age that are in terrible shape . I see poor balance and some poor mental ability. I spend a good part of the day here on the internet asking questions and just thinking about things. Often wishing I could be out in the shop making chips. Walking anywhere I make it a point to know where my feet are and exactly where my cane goes. Almost every move is planned so I can’t fall and counter edges and corners are avoided . The old saying “ look where you are going “ is in the back of my mind. Hand holds are important. When you get in the car, don’t put your cane in front of yourself. The air bag could really smash it into you dot hook your hand around it . Even with a seat belt on you can get slammed forward right into the cane or your hand and arm could get tangled in it. I suppose this comes from e crash experience and driving the race car. You are much better secured in the hot rod but still it pays to think about the situation. Military teaches situation awareness from day one so it should carry over to old age I think . It’s better to play safe than be trussed up in a hospital bed . If you can’t see well or hear well as I can’t it’s even more important. Stairs are real danger to oldsters. I plan each each step and exactly where my cane goes . Use the hand rails most nice people will give you room if they see you. Watch out for automatic doors. They usually open fine but some close quickly. They could snag a shoe or push your cane away . Again SA. Situation awareness.

I have another procedure today but unless something spectacular happens I’ll not say much my sister is driving today rather than the wild med transportation of late .
The major thing I’ve noticed since I became the old guy in the family is physical condition. I played sports from about seventh grade to my final baseball game at 72. You don’t have to do punishing gym stuff. Just a walk. It doesn’t have to be miles just comfortable. Try to eat at least somewhat healthy and get some sleep doc adds drink plenty of water other than coffee. I do a couple floor exercises but it’s hard to just get to the floor. I keep a couple light hand bar bells on my bedside stand so I can do a few exercises right in bed . Lazy? No but it’s still some exercise. I walk almost every day about 1/2 mile up to the mail box. I check blood oxy and pulse each trip seldom raises pulse more than 10 Cold and snow boost it a little more. Rain makes it uncomfortable thus frustrating which boost rate a couple points . I weigh a good deal less than high school . doc says weight is fine. Point is that try to maintain fitness even if it a lower level before you get too old . If you are in reasonable shape and not too heavy at 70 life will be easier. Just my opinion . Earlier this year my son visited. We went to the local batting cage as he was just getting read for his baseball season . I just had to try it even though it strictly against doc rules but I hit a couple solid med speed pitches pretty hard . Son said that’s enough dad you must sit down I don’t want to call 911.

I have a number of friends my age that are in terrible shape . I see poor balance and some poor mental ability. I spend a good part of the day here on the internet asking questions and just thinking about things. Often wishing I could be out in the shop making chips. Walking anywhere I make it a point to know where my feet are and exactly where my cane goes. Almost every move is planned so I can’t fall and counter edges and corners are avoided . The old saying “ look where you are going “ is in the back of my mind. Hand holds are important. When you get in the car, don’t put your cane in front of yourself. The air bag could really smash it into you dot hook your hand around it . Even with a seat belt on you can get slammed forward right into the cane or your hand and arm could get tangled in it. I suppose this comes from e crash experience and driving the race car. You are much better secured in the hot rod but still it pays to think about the situation. Military teaches situation awareness from day one so it should carry over to old age I think . It’s better to play safe than be trussed up in a hospital bed . If you can’t see well or hear well as I can’t it’s even more important. Stairs are real danger to oldsters. I plan each each step and exactly where my cane goes . Use the hand rails most nice people will give you room if they see you. Watch out for automatic doors. They usually open fine but some close quickly. They could snag a shoe or push your cane away . Again SA. Situation awareness.
I had a great recurve with the doc last week every thing is going according to plan yesterdayday I had sir Galahad from king Arthur’s castle with the big silver lance It didn’t really sting but I swear I could feel the fluid swirling around the appointment was right in the middle of the day so I just lost a whole day. Four more Friday’s to go then review the doc is pretty confident the situation will be in remission needing only review of blood tests. I sure hope so it does feel good to walk-in and out of the clinic under my own power. I got a really nice braided leather cane strap last week I may break down and buy a cane master pro cane as it looks like a perm ant fixture for me. I just can’t get over the taxi drivers if I drove like that I’d be locked up. The taxi going too had bad bearings in the rear axel they howled all the way the home coming one had bad front c v joints growled every input of the wheel 5 ocolock Friday afternoon traffic is like big city our town is only 20,000 people I think every one is out driving around . Looking into self driving add on for my el Camino not electric for sure plain non oxy premium. Still get 20 mpg still get 20 mpg with 25 yr old car restored. I’ll be moving to Tenn this fall do more mild weather.
I have another procedure today but unless something spectacular happens I’ll not say much my sister is driving today rather than the wild med transportation of late .
Up until 10 years ago I was a very un-healthy 19 stones. That's 266 pounds or 120.5 kg. I was also a type 2 diabetic taking about 15 meds per day. I went on a diet, nothing special, I just watched what I ate and only ate what I needed. I also took up walking. Over a period of a year or so I lost 6 stones, that's 84 pounds or 38 kg. I also "lost" my need for diabetes medication. The government classed me as diabetes free. I wasn't, of course, as it came back just as the pandemic hit. I had put on 2 stones, which I am now loosing. I will be 70 in July.
A woman in the North of the UK was interviewed by her local TV station when she lost her diabetes. They asked her what her secret was.
She repied "Eat less, move more". That's how I did it.
I have a label in my kitchen cupboard. It reads, "B=D". Which stands for, biscuits = diabetes.
Up until 10 years ago I was a very un-healthy 19 stones. That's 266 pounds or 120.5 kg. I was also a type 2 diabetic taking about 15 meds per day. I went on a diet, nothing special, I just watched what I ate and only ate what I needed. I also took up walking. Over a period of a year or so I lost 6 stones, that's 84 pounds or 38 kg. I also "lost" my need for diabetes medication. The government classed me as diabetes free. I wasn't, of course, as it came back just as the pandemic hit. I had put on 2 stones, which I am now loosing. I will be 70 in July.
A woman in the North of the UK was interviewed by her local TV station when she lost her diabetes. They asked her what her secret was.
She repied "Eat less, move more". That's how I did it.
I have a label in my kitchen cupboard. It reads, "B=D". Which stands for, biscuits = diabetes.
Ha LOL That’s funny

Friday another infusion this time something in a bag I dot like this It takes a whole hour for the bag thing. Plus they have to put a “ port” thing in your arm I hate needles. I just say thanks to the engineers that invented the needle manufacturing process I hope I get an extra sharp one today.
My Mom worked at a place that made the needles. They grabbed 10 at a time to package them. They held them and tapped them on the table to level them up to put them in the package. They were doing the biggest needles made and the Woman next to My Mom went to tap Them on the table and all 10 slipped out of Her hand and She proceeded to stick Herself with all 10 of Them. 10 ouches.
My Mom worked at a place that made the needles. They grabbed 10 at a time to package them. They held them and tapped them on the table to level them up to put them in the package. They were doing the biggest needles made and the Woman next to My Mom went to tap Them on the table and all 10 slipped out of Her hand and She proceeded to stick Herself with all 10 of Them. 10 ouches.
Now that would hurt . Today same old stuff stick the lance in belly . I don’t know if there were any female knight of the round table but this nurse was pretty good not a lot of pain you can feel a pocket growing as the plunger goes down. I asked if I might leak it but she said it can’t because the muscle closes the opening . I said you are kind I know it’s fat not muscle LOL
Hate to hear you have to go thru all this. I did for about 3 years and then got it in remission and now havent had anything for it for about 2 years now. I took a drug called Pomalyst as a maintenence drug for about 8 years then quit taking anything. So far so good. Thought I would tell you something positive anyway. Yes I have multiple myeloma too since 1960. Thirty years ago I would have just died. Medicine has come a long way. I am a saved christian and I had a good out look on all this as the doctor said it helps. Keep your chin up and keep them nurses laughing. Harold
Hate to hear you have to go thru all this. I did for about 3 years and then got it in remission and now havent had anything for it for about 2 years now. I took a drug called Pomalyst as a maintenence drug for about 8 years then quit taking anything. So far so good. Thought I would tell you something positive anyway. Yes I have multiple myeloma too since 1960. Thirty years ago I would have just died. Medicine has come a long way. I am a saved christian and I had a good out look on all this as the doctor said it helps. Keep your chin up and keep them nurses laughing. Harold

Thanks I try to laugh every day. It’s not hard if you follow politics . It would be easy to get in my portable podium but I’m sill ll still laughing from the last news cast. I’d have never made it this far if I did as little and said as much as they do . Unfortunately it’s the path to wealth every one of them are multi millionaires but not happiness. I have my kitty and I’ve had a bunch of top notch dogs all seemed to have more sense than I do and taught me inner satisfaction .

Probably the greatest is when my two boys say thanks dad you made us

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