Hi K2....
As I said "I always welcome, like everyone to comment"
I will consider and choose which ideas suit the actual needs and are most suitable for a project...or simply suit what I have on hand.
Sometimes the best opinion and information but it is not suitable for the present with what I have, knowledge, machines, tools... I will note it, maybe in the future I will.. ...
Or those opinions and information will help other members who want to learn
Like your opinion : " I suggest a ring of holes at the top of the skirt, just below the oil scraper ring, may also be advantageous to your oil clearing issue? "
I am considering and thinking...
And thank you !
As you know, with this project, I just complet the unfinished engine. I had to change a few sizes to be able to make another ring and now there will probably be a 3rd ring - an oil ring - and it is much thicker than the other 2 rings. I have to make it the right size for the rest of the piston: I have no other choice
If you have information...about the ring...I'd like to know more, maybe in the future...but not with this project