So I made a test-cast of the compressor today.
Even if it was a failure, I count it as success.
I have an issue with shrinkage, but I wanted to give it a try.
I also wanted to see, wether a steel core would come out easily (without taper). It doesn't. I expected that too.
The cure for both is making a core out of sand, the way I initially thought I should do.
But you don't learn if you don't try.
The pattern needs refinements in two places, but that is no mishap, it happens often (at least to me).
So here we go …
Casting #20. Compressor.
This is a two staged compressor. Diesel initially had planned a one stage compressor in his previous engines. But they simply worked as Diesel engines, as they had a CR of about 1:70. The oil that was unavoidable for lubrication ignited from time to time.

As cast.

An "impossible" feature. The three cylinders sticking out. The middle one is no problem, as it is in the splitting plane. But the upper and lower ones prevent a simple split pattern to go out from the mould. Without breaking it, that is.

Lower end of the casting. It will be cut off at the black line, machined and both parts bolted back together. So that is two castings as one. Yes, I added enough machining allowance.

The top with the compressor's head that I made wrong and the wee coolant passage. All roughly cut to size, so no perfect fit.

The pattern with the tool to pull the inserts. I'll come back to this in a moment …

Core box and core.

I needed a way to precisely index onto the lose inserts' axis. So I added a pointy cone that was milled 3D (and 3-axis). Tilted the head and matched the center drill's point with the pattern's cone. Set all to zero and retracted with G0 X-50 Z-50, put in a drill and drilled with G1 X0 Z0.

Pattern in the sand. Before pulling it, I first have to un-tighten a grub screw and pull out the insert. Then the pattern moves out.

Mould with core and steel core in place. Here you see, why I had shrinkage. There simply is too much material at the right side and there is no way to add a feeder. So I need a core the way it has to be.
I talked about embedding core sand moulds in oil sand. That's the way it looks. On the cope, I just carve rough runners that cover the holes in the core sand moulds and that's it.