Brian, you did it again, that is a neat project here I go again copy and paste, guess you are going to put it in the down load section again, that will be a neat project, looks like the little fellow is happy even though he is not showing much emotions, guess he is like me amazed what is going on and what he might have to ride next, that governor works great, I printed a copy of the Slinky machine and brought it to a friend of mine that is a retired Machinist, he make that little fellow in about two days and had it ready for Christmas with the his family over, he said the adult loved it more that the kids, I took a picture of it but did not come out to good will do it again, he and his wife said thanks for the Christmas gift and years of fun to follow, going to make him a copy of this, also make some copies of the governor for him, thanks for the learning, Lathe Nut