Just finished my Scotty Elmer Number 8

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2010
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After a few weeks of piddling around I finally got my Scotty completed and running today. I am pretty please with the way it turned out.


Just a note: The video was done after the original pictures were taken, I changed out the screws to black socket heads just before the video was shot.

Scotty 1.jpg

Scotty 2.jpg

Scotty 3.jpg
You have every reason to be pleased :bow:
That´s a real fine engine. How about a video? I guess it runs on compressed air.
Seems we make two who like 5 holes in their flywheels... ;D
Congratulations on your successful build! :bow:

I built one too, about 2 years ago to see how a scotch yoke mechanism works. Kinda neat if you ask me, and enjoyable to watch running slow. I'm a big fan of Elmer's designs having built a few. What Engine are you planning to build next? Another one of Elmer's designs?

Thanks Cid, yep 5 holes for me, can't tell you why either. My DRO will do what ever number I want but I keep going back to 5.

Thanks MB, don't know what I will do next. I have several of Elmer's plans waiting on a project start.

Rleete, it is all Krylon special, as usual i rushed to put it together and the paint got sticky when I oiled it to run. The chrome air tube is a radio antenna piece.

Nicely done RC. I too would love to see a short video of it running. Keep up the good work!!

Ok guys you asked for a video so this is my first attempt.
I added the music to it due to the fact the air compressor kicked on about 1/2 way through the video and it was very intrusive to say the least.
Ok I went back and added the video properly to the opening message. This should keep folks from having to download it.

Thanks for allowing me to have a learning curve. ;D
Nice job. I have been looking at this one for my next build. You do great work.

reflad, its a fun build and it does not a long time to build. The hardest thing of the whole build for me was drilling the 1/16" hole from the top side of the cylinder to the crank/timing shaft, that was a deep hole for such a small bit.

Enjoy the build if you decide to do it.


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