Hi Steve, I did a few test and calls today and I have a few good answers.
1 even if it works you should fire your coil thrue ground and not live.
thats an easy fix replace both transistor with the oposite ( from NPN to PNP)
2 the output trans your using is on the limit as far as suplying the need of this coil
that is really more a "step up transformer" then an "inductor"
3 I called one of my buddy at BRP in Valcour reguarding the testting of these dual coil.
His answer was pretty straight forward, "you have a sparks it's fine" reason beeing because
it is fired simultaniously it has a vector effect on how mutch will go when. the fatter side will get
it all and leaner side will get nothing. He told me that they took them out of the market for two reasons.
Number one they were confusing to check and were very hard on the module.
I hope it's of any help. BTW what CAD did you use for these drawingscratch.gif