Back from the depths as it were.
Its been a while since updating last. The reasons are basically simple. Moving my base of operations as it were, out into the garage, and going from glow ignition to spark ignition.
If your familiar with some of the discussions surrounding electronic ignition modules on the board, there are a lot of choices out there, none of which I am very happy with. There are several DIY projects out there that give programmable advance curves and capacitive discharge ignition capabilities. After seriously considering a couple of them, I deceided against them too.
That kinda left me to put up or shut up, put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. So welcome to a new chapter, and a brand new ignition system, and a heck of a lot of work, much still to be done. I started in early July with a blank slate, and in approximately a month, I had a version that passed testing in software only. Hardware testing on a bread board took another couple of weeks, and finally manufacturing a beta version on a circuit board for testing took until a week or so ago. Here is a pic of the hardware board about half finished. Its rough, not ready for production, but suitable for testing.
Here is a pic of the 10 degree slot used for a hall effect crank trigger.
Now that I had come that far, I spent a few days getting the test stand in working order again.
We have an earlier microcontroller project that runs the throttle. There is an electronic karmann voltex airflow sensor that needs work still, and I dont have any of the flowmeters hooked up yet. I did stop by a friends and got a ring rolled for the prop, safety first folks.

Although I should have included a fire supression system. ;D
With everything hooked up, we did a lot of cranking to preoil everything, then had a failure.
Classic fatigue crack, looks like I have to pay more attention to the radius on the corners.
So more testing gets delayed yet again while I whip out another crankshaft. :'(