Furnace #2:

If you did use your design below, you should extend out the end of the spiral slightly, so as to start to turn the air before it strikes the flat wall on the left, otherwise you could disrupt the combustion air flow.
I think you are right about that.It is likely that the hot gas will spiral upwards anyway. so maybe not an issue.
Another good idea I think.I could start with a flat base, then try just placing molded wedge shaped bricks on the base to form a spiral ramp. Easy to try.
A LEGO furnace !One of the advantages of using close fitting morterless bricks made with 3D printed molds that I posted much earlier, is that I can produce bricks in any shape quite easily. If I do things right, it should be easy to dismantle/assemble the hot liner bricks for maintenance or replacement. More importantly, I could make changes to the furnace shape by just changing the affected bricks. Ideal for experimentation.
Thanks for taking the time to reply and for the experience based insight.When you say "fuel oil gun burner", I assume you are talking about a packaged burner unit like the Beckett unit below?
View attachment 127437
I have seen one person use a packaged burner system with their furnace for a while, and then they changed to a more traditional burner tube / nozzle arrangement with remote mounted gear pump.
Packaged Burner Assemblies:
There are several problems I see with using packaged burner with a foundry furnace, as follows (I have not used a packaged burner):
1. A packaged burner is a rather bulky assembly, and that would make getting the burner tube in exactly the right place at exactly the right elevation would be far more difficult than just a burner tube.
2. The output tube appears to be about 4" diameter, which is really too large for many/most furnaces used for hobby work.
I guess the output tube could be changed to a 2.5" diameter tube?
3. All furnaces sooner or later will leak hot gasses past the burner tube at the tuyere (the tuyere being the entrance low in the furnace).
When the tuyere leaks, and generally before you notice that it is leaking, anything that can be ruined/melted in the vicinity of the tuyere is melted/ruined, such as a packaged burner unit.
4. When a furnace is open, and the crucible is pulled out and set on the ground, the radiant heat is very intense (this is especially true for an iron furnace).
The radiant heat will melt plastic 10 feet away, so I tend to think that over time it would ruin a packaged burner unit.
5. My general rule is that anything in the furnace area (say a 20 foot radius around the furnace) should not be plastic; this includes wheels, and anything else.
There are a lot of furnace photos out there with melted plastic wheels, and melted plastic burner parts/gauges, etc.
The only thing that is plastic/rubber in the furnace vicinity is the fuel line, and that is somewhat at risk.
I intend to slide a piece of flexible metal conduit over my fuel line, to give it mechanical protection, and also to give it heat protection from spilled metal/slag.
Comments on hot-tube burner designs:
The burner tube should remain cool to the touch along most of its length, except perhaps right at the furnace end, which may get a little warmer, but not really hot. There is a school of thought that the burner tube should be operated red hot, and a type of burner that uses a flame impingement out of the side of the furnace and onto the burner tube, I guess with a drip-style burner, to assist with atomization of dripped fuel.
I think that for a typical backyard foundry application, there is no need to run a hot-burner-tube design, and many many reasons why you should not run a hot-burner-tube design.
The main reasons that a hot-burner-tube design is not desirable is that it tends to cook whatever is inside the burner tube, and build up varnish on the hot surfaces, and the burner tube steel will degrade over time, even if it is stainless steel.
But the #1 reason why I don't use a hot-tube-burner design is that it does not work any better than a cold burner design, and I have seen some folks have a lot of problems with their hot-tube burners.
Why introduce new "features" to a burner that are known to cause problems? (Short answer: Because you can get millions of views and likes on ytube featuring all sorts of Rube Goldberg burner deigns).
There are folks out there who make burners and such seemingly only for the purpose of proving that they can make a better (new and improved better mouse trap) burner, and so there are droves of burner styles that actually will melt metal well, and they are almost universally of a bad design from the standpoint of providing a maintenance-free burner that operates consistently every melt without the need for adjustment during the melt.
There are folks out there who embark on multi-year Don Quixote type quests to design and build the ultimate foundry burner.
The problem is their quest never seems to lead to a functional new burner type, or if the burner does function, it functions in a highly unreliable way that often will not melt iron.
There are numerous burner folks out there in videoland, and many/most never cast anything, or anything of any value other than a lump of metal.
For the professional burner builders, its not about foundry work and casting usable parts; it is about endless burner experiments, and maximizing ytube views.
I have done my share of burner experiments, and have done enough to have a good feel for what works for an oil burner.
When it comes to oil burners, I can say that a cool burner tube and proper atomization of the fuel are what is important to good burner operation.
Beyond that is just a matter of how you want to assemble the parts.
I have never gotten a drip-style oil burner to operate or control correctly, or burn cleanly at all output levels, and so I don't use that style.
A siphon nozzle burner will burn cleanly and control precisely at any fuel flow level within its designed operating range, which is a very wide range of outputs.
A siphon nozzle burner will operate without combustion air (it will naturally aspirate if the combustion air tube is left open), for smaller melts, and most folks are not aware of this function.
My siphon and pressure nozzle burners weigh perhaps 5 lbs, and their critical components are located far away from the furnace, out of heat range and spilled metal danger.
It is easy to support my burner tube at the tuyere, and easy to adjust the height of my burner tube to work with multiple furnaces (I have more than one furnace, and the tuyere heights are not the same).
Everyone has their favorite burner and melting methods.
I can't say what works best for others, but I can say what has proven to work well for me.
To each their own, but in my mind the real proof is in the quality of the castings created.
"Show me the castings" as they say, and then we talk about burners.
I do know of folks who make very good castings, and use very problematic burners.
They use the fact that they can make very good castings to justify using their problematic burner style.
I make quality castings, and my burner is maintenance-free, and does not require adjustment every.
I see no justification for using equipment that is problematic. Would you drive a car that breaks down constantly? Some do; I am not sure why.
Yes that's it.A LEGO furnace !
I know the feeling well.The think that is delaying my attempt at furnace building is a queue of unfinished projects. If I started building a furnace, that would only add to the list of unfinished projects. In the mean time I am looking and learning.
A shield around the crucible would most likely get in the way of pouring.Has anyone considered using a light polished stainless steel shield around the crucible to reflect the heat back to the crucible??
Obviously the shield would need cutouts to avoid interfering with the pour, but even if the shield could wrap half way around, the radiated heat loss would be a lot less.
Has anyone purchased from this company and used their product for iron casting?VelvaCoat from ASK Chemicals LP
495 Metro Place South
Suite 250 Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: +1 800 848 7485
Fax: +1 614 761 1741
[email protected]
Download their PDF catalog which includes water-based products;
Good luck,
You generally have to go through a distributor in your area.Has anyone purchased from this company and used their product for iron casting?
Do they sell their products pre-mixed or as a dry powder?
PM sent.Are you willing to post a CAD file of this drawing?
I want to change the dimensions to metric and blatantly plagiarize it.
That guarantees it is unobtanium for me. I doubt there is a distributor within a few thousand miles.You generally have to go through a distributor in your area.
I can't see how radiator scrap could make good iron for engine parts.And I read a post today about making thin parts in machinable gray iron.
I have read in several books that iron with high phosphorus should not be used to make engines.
So this guy who made a mini-V8 in gray iron said "I had to use old radiator scrap, which is high in phosphorus, due to its high fluidity".
LOL, so much for never using high-phosphorus iron for engine parts.