At the risk of being repetitive, I will add a few more comments on backyard casting, and how I learned the process (to date).
Chances are I may have already mentioned some of these items, given my current state of memory (or lack thereof), but some may get some use out of this.
When I got interested in building model steam engines in about 2007, I tried hogging/machining some engine parts out of large chunks of cast iron.
My machines are not very high quality, and not very rigid, and I found the hogging (heavy cutting) process to be inaccurate, time consuming, boring, and very tedious.
I decided that there must be a better way to make model engine parts, and so I started looking at foundry technology.
I looked at what others were doing on model engine forums, and backyard casting forums, and the only folks I recall who were doing extensive 3D modeling work for model engines were Brian Rupnow and a fellow from the UK named Rob Wilson.
It seems like Brian has been doing 3D modeling forever, and I could tell from his work that this was the future of modeling.
Rob Wilson built his own foundry, and began casting his own model engine parts, some of which were in gray iron.
Rob vanished from the internet after a short while (at least as far as what I can find), but his combination of 3D modeling and foundry work basically were what caused me to start learning foundry work.
I found a backyard casting forum called Alloy Avenue, and was on that for years.
A number of backyard casting folks are the art-casting type, and their work is often sort of avant-garde, as is often their attitude towards life, if that is a correct use of the description.
Alloy Avenue was useful for learning the fundamentals of melting metal, but the artwork castings are typically a bronze alloy, and the methods used to melt metal are often as simple as possible, and only complex enough to get bronze to pouring temperatures.
Art castings don't have to be perfect, and so any imperfections (large and small) are often just brazed up after the castings are made.
I had trouble finding anyone who was doing what Rob Wilson was doing, ie: designing his own steam engines, making the patterns, and then castings his own engine parts.
I ran across myfordboy on youtube, and those videos were pretty helpful in getting started with some rudimentary pattern making (in wood), and basic aluminum casting.
I noticed that the guy who started Alloy Avenue was melting and casting gray iron, and so I decided that I had to learn how to do that.
I ran across "ironman" (he has many names; goes by "100model" on this forum).
He goes my "luckygen1001" on youtube.
Ironman is the best description for luckygen1001 because he has mastered the art of iron castings in a spectacular way.
I have learned a great deal from ironman's videos, and from direct conversations with him.
He has a long history of backyard iron casting, and makes excellent iron castings of all types.
He is by far the most knowledgeable iron caster I have ever met.
I ran across "olfoundryman", whose name is Martin, and he has some serious aluminum casting experience, and was a metalurgist at a foundry (as I understand it).
Martin is the best aluminum casting person I have ever run across.