Hi !
I have never read Hobby Machinist Magazine
I have a question , what information is in those magazines ?
Thanks !
Hi, Minh-Thanh; The Hobby Machinist is a forum, not unlike this one, but they do have a section devoted to projects members have reported on: hobby-machinistDotCom (link was not accepted by the forum).
I subscribed to the print version of
Model Engineer years ago, and when I had more time to devote to the hobby had a digital subscription to
Model Engineers' Workshop:
Model Engineer focused primarily on model steam engines, whereas
Model Engineers' Workshop includes a wider range of articles. However, since I was also subscribed to
The Home Shop Machinist &
Machinist's Workshop (both published by The Village Press, along with
Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading [similar to
Model Engineer] and
Digital Machinist [devoted to CNC, 3D Printing, Robotics, etc.], I dropped the
Model Engineers' Workshop subscription due to cost and the limited ability to print extracts from the digital version (at least using my Mac) – with the change to the platform noted above this may have changed.
Here are links to
The Home Shop Machinist &
Machinist's Workshop websites:
Home - Home Shop Machinist
Machinists Workshop Magazine
From either of the homepages you can get to The Home Shop Machinist forum by going to the "Community" tab and selecting "Forum."