Years ago, just post 9-11 I ordered some small screws from MC. The lady was very helpful and pleasant and assured that she would be happy to accept a Canadian VISA and ship to me in Canada. Forty minutes later I received a call from MC and a different lady, or woman at least, who very rudely and brusquely informed me that because of the security risk I would not be a new customer of theirs. A quick call to a friend and the order was placed through the company he works for which had an existing account with MC and could buy them out if they had a mind to, a bit of a paper work hassle but I got my parts and American sovereignty was unchallenged.Just to be clear, I live in Canada so that's why I know 'international' orders is pretty much a non-starter with McMaster without an account.
I was trying to say if someone kind enough & willing (Steve) would facilitate this on your behalf, count yourself as a lucky man.
Recently I gave them a try again and had no troubles getting what I needed.