The coil winding program is started. The most importend feature is the mechanical counter, because I can count only up to 3 ??? The outside windings and the inside windings are get 70 turns each.
That is an easy job, 2 min. for one coil. I think the pics are going to show the process.
to keep control over the 48 coil wires I'm using a simple system. Each coil on the beginning has a loop and the coil body are a number from 1-12. All the coils are winded in the same direction.
This is way over my head, I have had the same way of thinking as You. Belive; a flammliker is more difficult to build, than a generator. Most of us are mechanical trained, I'm too.
So I'm watching in a windmill forum how to build all these stuff, they due know how to due it. They put me one the right road.
You are a young man, You can due it. I`m 73 years old daddy, so it is some time... ???
Manfred, now I am excited to see the casting going into progression. You are going to start machining the casting and I am looking forward to photos and documention of the progress.
the next step is the rotor. I have to make a decision on a single phase or a 3 phase rotor.
3 phase are 12 coils and 32 magnets on the rotor
1 phase are 12 coils and 36 magnets on the rotor
A point of intrest is, how is the voltage change between a iron rotor and the plastic rotor.
Manfred if I had my option I would pick the single phase version. What we will be powering if connected to a steam engine is to run lamps off of it to demonstrate that we are suppling power from it.
Yes Don it become a single phase generator, I don`t need a home power station.
With the air coil it is easy to style any type of generator, AC or DC or what ever you like.
The machining I have started to day, most of the operation are simple. Ruffing on the mill the down side and grinding the top side. But the top side could be done one the mill as well.
Hi! Manfred glad to see you back and starting to machine the casting. Your surface grind does a great job. glad to see your choice was single phase, I think everyone in the states will perfer this. I will be here waiting with interest, and are your casting aluminum?
there is a piece chipped out. That happend if workpieces like to fly.
Don, castings in aluminium is possible too. After I have finished this 3 sets, I`l try castings from polyurethane. I due have a vacuum system, so it should work. Because the price for castings went up.
The next step is the rotor withe the 36 magnet on it.