December Project of the Month

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
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Congratulations to Arnold for his build of the Elbow Engine being chosen as the
December Project of the Month.

Very nicely done Arnold! :bow:


And richly deserved too! Well done Arnold. Congratrs. Thm: Thm: Thm: Thm:

Well done Arnold, definitely a worthy project. :bow:
Congrats Arnold. Well deserved and a very creative interpretation of the elbow design!


Super job Arnold :bow:
this engine looks a real challenge! very well done
Regards TerryT
Love that engine--it's so wickedly weird looking, you wouldn't think it would turn. Nice work.
Congratulations, Arnold. Very pretty engine.


Congratulations Arnold! Beautifully executed.
Way to go Arnold! You made building that one look so simple, although we all know it wasn't. Another fine example of your wonderful work deservedly graces our home page. Well done!! Thm: Thm:

Very nice, Arnold.
Adds lots of class to the Masthead.
Gail in NM
Congratulations, Arnold.
A beautifully executed version of a difficult engine.
Wow - What a big surprise! When I looked in on HMEM from work earlier today, it took me nearly a full minute to realize the new engine at the top of the page looked just like the one standing next to my PC ;D

Thank you all members of HMEM for the recognition given by selecting my engine for POTM, but more importantly, for all the inspiration, technical and moral support and selfless sharing that helped me on my model making journey so far. Without your input I doubt that this engine (or any of the other ones in my collection) would have ever been built, so this is not "my" engine; there is a contribution from many people in it :bow:

Once again, thank you!

Sincerely, Arnold
Congrats Arnold, beautiful engine, My neighbor built one so I know that they are a tough build too. Well done

Congratulations Arnold, that is a great looking elbow engine


That's great, I'm glad you elbowed your way to the top of the page. ::):bow: :bow:

Best Regards
You are the man, Arnold. Bodacious.

Great Job!

Congrats Arnold, for a well deserved recognition of your talents!

Maryak said:

That's great, I'm glad you elbowed your way to the top of the page. ::):bow: :bow:

Best Regards

Really bad pun for a very beautiful engine. :bow: :bow:

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