Hi,When I Googled, "what corrodes Stainless Steel" I could not find any conditions which you suggested are a severe potential problem. It would be a benefit to all members reading this thread if you could tell us what conditions you believe cause Stainless Steel to corrode so badly and unpredictably that it should not be used as a pressure vessel for air compressors.
Sure, the 2 main issues I have encountered are crevice corrosion and inter granular corrosion. Details of both can be found online. Apparently they are relatively rare….. although I have come across them multiple times. My favourite ones were 2 year old pipe work that could be removed by hand with little force as all the material beside the weld had disappeared! Most likely caused by incorrect welding procedures. The other being a nice looking shaft, about an inch in diameter and a foot long. Looked fine except for a couple of scabby lumps of rust on the surface. Removing these revealed massive holes and an almost hollow shaft. Both these examples were in more extreme uses but have reinforced to me that SS cannot be trusted. Have never seen anything beyond simple corrosion on basic steel although I’m sure it can happen.