CNC x2 Mill

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Sounds/looks like we are about in the same place in this journey. That could be helpful. I'm trying to keep the manual functionality of my mill since I don't want to program something quick and simple like milling a quick flat or slot on something so I am planning to mount my x motor on the left. I got my z axis motor in the mail today so I have been messing around with it and trying to figure out the cam software some more. I have to take my table apart to measure everything so I can model it (I've only gotten the y so far ),I mostly know what I want to do but still a pain. Especially since I still need it here and there. ( wish I had two mills). I want a complete mill model in my inventor program so I can toy with designs and improvements without waste. Kind of a pain. Been thinking about how to do the z axis too. I think I'm going to utilize the fine feed screw on the x2 mill. Has a ton of backlash but I think I can compensate on the software side. Might go into the arduino Code if I can't fix it in the firm ware or cam generator. I don't want to go to ball screws just yet. What kind of mill are you working with. Looks like it's a much bigger table than the x2. Might move on to my lathe if I get this working satisfactory.

My y is the same. I was surprised to see it had no bearings at all. I think the x has two thrust bearings but I might find a surprise there too? We will find out real soon. I think both. Acme screws kind of free float after they pass through the nut on mine but my x screw is slotted on one end for a drive. Might come in handy??
My y is the same. I was surprised to see it had no bearings at all. . . .

Yup no bearings on the shafts - - For the end user to install . .

Same kind of mess to figure out - don't want to just start hacking away at the existing structure - Gonna have to stare at it for a while and see what turns up . . . Fortunately the belt pulley is robust enough that it can be adapted to take some bearing . It's the stepper side - don't really want to load its shaft with the tension load of the belt, so will have to find room to mount a bearing shaft for that . . .

Well after tearing mine down....first time in about 8 years. X has two 52100 (10mmbore26x11mm)thrust bearings but y has none. I bought a 5200 axial bearing for the y but still not sure I want to use it. Bigger than I thought but I can always use it on something else if I don't use it for this. Almost done modeling.
Well got a little more done. Mounted the x axis. I put a 12-24-6.35 thrust bearing on the machine side of the y mount. Prob going to add another to the motor side tomorrow. Prob going to remake this mount but going to run with this version to see what problems I can uncover.

Did bring it to life just to prove to myself it would work. Noticed some binding on the y so I'm going to add another bearing on the motor side. But happy to see it move. Have a video but dot think I can post it.
Now your cooking with gas . . .

One thing I am not is a designer, I like to see how others have done things and look for the best practice - - A COC of how I did the X-Axis, put the thrust bearings at the handle side and a bearing on the motor side - Idea was to have the shaft supported by itself and not by the stepper.

Still dink'n with the Y, want to keep the turn handle in place so driving it from the rear of the table is the option, an option that has a few 'Oh Darn' moments of its own going on. Making balsa mock-ups to get an idea of the fit-up . .

Luckily I do 3d Models for construction for a living so I have some pretty sweet software. I added a 10 x 24 x 9 thrust bearing on the motor side of the y mount this morning which is in the gif. The x mount is a little different. Even though I can model this stuff I still like to improvise. Ill update the model later. Actually I prefer to just do it then model it later but that really isnt all that efficient. I dont like to be bound by plans in the shop or real life. lol The Zip file is an animated exploded view of how its put together right now....except for a couple of details on the x side.

View attachment Axis
Not sure you can see what's going on here but the x turned out pretty simple. The lead had a slot in it so I made a 2.5 inch coupler out of steel. One side has a "blade" the fits into the slot. The other side is a female end with two set screws at 90deg to match the stepper shaft. Works pretty smoothly.

IN the gif the blade side looks threaded. I was going to make a screw on sleeve to keep the two shafts together. Turns out I didn't need it so I never threaded it. Makes it easy to disassemble and the nature of the coupler allows them to flex and not bind if needed.
Also got the other bearing added before I had to take my wife to the airport

Like that 'Blade' type connection - That's the avenue I am thinking to attach the Y axis drive from the rear - So I let the X-Axis run back and forth for a couple hours, glitch to turn up was the coupling [motor side] started walking loose. Is a compression type coupling so added an 8-32 set screw to tighten down on the motor shaft - Glitch solved -

Long as your taking the bride to the airport, wanna take mine? She's smiling as she always does when she wants something done - Like pick up an Organ she found - - She can't play, she just thinks it looks nice - - -
Ha. I know that look! Yea my y coupling is slipping,that shaft is much harder to turn always has been. I'm thinking of putting a set screw in it so I can crank it down. Also temped to jump on Amazon and see what I can find on there. The stand offs I had made are a little short with the coupling I have. I can A. Make new ones. Simple but I don't really want to or B. find a coupling that works in the geometry available. It's the rubber piece in the middle that's the problem. I should get some decent shop time in the next few days. My oldest boy and the youngest boy went to grandmas , wife is in Michigan till Tuesday and middle son is glued to the video games and leaves for soccer camp Tuesday. Want get any next week since I'll be on vacation. That is if I can stand the heat. Not too bad after dark especially if I pop the garage door. I made a brass bushing so I could use one of the original hand wheel nuts - don't know if I need it but it's there now. Lol. I might just cheat and make some temporary ones with aluminum tube threaded rod and some nuts until I'm motivated. I just don't feel like turning four post drilling and tapping both ends x 4 today but I want to mess with the machine torn.

Random side note I discovered a metal supplier in town this week too. Usually I order from online metals but I discovered the metal supermarket which opened under my nose ten months ago. Pretty excited about it because shipping cost put a damper on my orders usually. They apparently opened on my birthday last year so it was meant to be.
Ha. I know that look! Yea my y coupling is slipping . . .

That coupling is the same I got - Putting a set screw in to bite down on the D-Shaft of the stepper stopped the wandering.

Am now the proud owner of an Organ - - Happy Happy Joy Joy - -
Plan is to downsize next year, get out of this big ol house into something small - Haven't checked the manual but was sure that means 'Don't bring more stuff in . . . . '
I'm trying to do the opposite bigger house much bigger yard. Busting at the seams now. And 1/4 acre isn't very conducive to most of my hobbies ( reloading,shooting,anything out side). I hate living in the city. We have a farm 200acres at the beach which is where I'll be all next week, my happy place. If work would let me work from home I'd move there. You should return the favor. My wife " loves " this.
