Glad you got it sorted. too bad you need to buy the new board. I had a couple go on me but was only the diode on one and the bridge on another. so less than $ 10 parts and shipping.
I did a Google on those pocket scopes apparently not a real replacement for a bench scope but they are useful for a hobbyist and they are affordable and portable. I keep thinking about getting one and relearning how to use it . I played with them in high school but that was a long time ago .
This might be a bit late, but one of the very talented members on a Spanish forum where I am active has compiled a repair manual, complete schematics, etc. for the control board on Chinese minilathes. The manual is in Spanish, and I don't know how good a job Google would do with the translation, but the schematics, at least, may well be of help. (Link)
This same member is in the beta release stage of a (to all lights) vastly improved control board. (Link) I don't know when he'll be releasing it to the public, whether it will be sold as a kit, open/closed source, etc., but if you do need to replace the board, his might be a good solution.