more questions...... and thank you to all for all the help.
studying the plans further and trying to do things like locate materials and decide on a game plan for each cut and while i had some spare time today at work i have come up with these questions:
on sheet 3, can i get by with cheaper aluminum for the prop driver?
on sheet 3, on the piston, it says .437 "hone" i have seen in one of my magazines where a guy was using a clamp looking hone to work on i believe it was vintage motorcycle push rods. may have been wrist pins, but is this they way the plans are calling for it to be honed? or would you just cut a cast iron rod long enough to get both piston and contra piston out of to diameter, and start working it in and out of the cylinder untill it can go all the way through, then part your 2 pistons out of this rod?
- also what is that type of clamp hone called?
sheet 4, the mounting holes at the bottom of the cylinder, how would be the best way to locate those to the crank case? the crank case has not been drilled yet either because i was trying to decide how to get them all lined up, the only way i can see is that i am going to just have to bite the bullett and do my very best at acurately measuring then marking both then drilling them seperately. i was hoping to figure out a way to drill the cylinder first and transfering some center marks to the crank case but how with the cooling fins sticking out further than the bolt holes?
sheet 5, the carb venturi section. any problem using cheaper aluminum here? and also what about brass? im not concerned about the weight.