Senior Citizen
I have been following Chuck Fellows' Arduino RT controller build. I would like very much to build one for my Vertex RT and home made dividing heads. I know this has been asked before, but can I get a recommendation on the parts to start this build?
I tried building a pic based RT controller from another forum, and it ended up in a box under the bench with considerable investment in parts, and still not working. The main issue was programming the pic.
I have ben googling the main parts, the Arduino Uno, the Sainsmart LCD and the Pololu driver, and looking on E-Bay. Prices seem to vary from $5 to $50 for the pieces. Can someone point out a reasonable priced kit for a pensioner? Are the cheap bits from China reliable? I got burned on pic programmers that were clones on my last project.
Anyone have a real functioning Arduino they are tired of?
I tried building a pic based RT controller from another forum, and it ended up in a box under the bench with considerable investment in parts, and still not working. The main issue was programming the pic.
I have ben googling the main parts, the Arduino Uno, the Sainsmart LCD and the Pololu driver, and looking on E-Bay. Prices seem to vary from $5 to $50 for the pieces. Can someone point out a reasonable priced kit for a pensioner? Are the cheap bits from China reliable? I got burned on pic programmers that were clones on my last project.
Anyone have a real functioning Arduino they are tired of?