Glad you're still looking in Stew. Everyone on the team has a pretty good pile of parts and
we're waiting patiently for the few remaining bits, meanwhile there is some fitting and finishing to do.
Thanks T-otto for the note looking forward to receiving your parts . Have the wood bases and the bolts been sent Or are these now up to use to get . Thanks all Dale
wood bases and m3 nuts/threaded rod will go out asap.
bit strugling with my health last few weeks. fell of me bike (the one with pedals and muscle power) and fractured 4 ribs, collar bone and dislocated shoulder.
i always knew it, my wife disagrees. but anything with two wheels should have a engine in it
it's all very painfull, but it will heal up. went with the bike to get some small groceries. dont realy recall what happend, but bike threw me off and i fell on the edge of the sidewalk. is about 10 cm high conrete edge.
no bycycle's for me now for a while. tire me down anyway, i need something that burns fuell to move forward.