anyone have files for sieg sx3 cnc conversion ?

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Aug 14, 2016
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friend will buy one of these (got nice deal) and we will turn her in cnc
but we dont know where to find files for it (hardware files not electrical)
i was planning to up mine bf20 to rf45 and i find files for it but prices went from 2k to over 3k
can anyone help ??
by him he need dimensions for c7 spindle and that thing that fit under table ,that use to move y axys
anyone know dimensions so we can make it till c7 double bearing set come from china ?
Maybe late to this post but I'm new to this forum.
I bought the first SYIL converted SX3 about 18 years ago and never used it since I received it... but now I intend to do so and I'm back at this project :) .
If I could help with picture of the conversion or else let me know.

Like this one below:

SYIL Super X3 Lou.jpg
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yea dimensions will be nice . he buy one and add some cheap dro only .. we find some cnc files but these are wrong

for his sx3 , and he got some gig with guy that renovate old motocycle engines ,so he is kinda fine with dro
and i still wait for upgrade ,i have access of his sx3 and mine bf ,so i am fine with it too
even i want larger one ,maybe one with belt ,iso 30, sieg sx3.5 like in between solution
rf45 is just too noisy ,guy use it in workshop in town near huh ,,he say he order 3 sets of gears to have it over year
maybe he pull mine leg or something but
well other solution is dro version of larger mill ,and easy up
oh well brain hurts :)
I believe you have the SX2, there was the SX1, which is tiny, the SX2 and the SX3 which is actually quite large.

I have an KX3-CNC that came CNC from Sieg - sold by Harbor Freight. Good for plastic, brass and aluminum. Not quite solid enough for doing much in steel. I am doing production work on it in aluminum.

I would suggest one of these computers - - as that is what I am running mine with. Still running Mach3, using the Sieg stepper drivers is good for about 50 IPM. Milling aluminum, 3/8 carbide end mill, 0.025 depth of cut and 30 IPM feed.I would recommend the ESS - Ethernet Smooth Stepper and a 2 port breakout board so you can add the homing switches and end stops.
Maybe late to this post but I'm new to this forum.
I bought the first SYIL converted SX3 about 18 years ago and never used it since I received it... but now I intend to do so and I'm back at this project :) .
If I could help with picture of the conversion or else let me know.

Like this one below:

View attachment 146851
I bought a used one of these last June of 23, and have had a bunch of issues with it. I have yet to get it to work, and have had to replace the power supply, computer(XP PC) etc. I am looking to gut the old controls and install new boards and everything.
I’ve done a similar conversion with my own machine, and I can share a few tips. For the SX3 CNC conversion, it’s important to focus on getting the right motor and controller for smooth operation. I used a motor with good torque and control for precision, though it took a bit of fine-tuning to get the settings right. As for the wiring, make sure you’re using a reliable power supply that matches the machine’s needs. I also recommend replacing the old computer and control system, as older setups can cause compatibility issues. Once you’ve got the main components figured out, it should be easier to get everything working