I took some time off from my radial engine project to build a breakout box for monitoring the control signals in the DB-9 cable between the spindle motor and the Mach breakout board in my CNC lathe. Since my spindle start-up problem is intermittent and recently infrequent, I thought it best to build something robust enough to be left in place indefinitely. My biggest concern with adding something like this is dealing with potential grounding issues. The motor controller circuit 'ground' is at a different potential than the grounds of either the breakout board or my computer's parallel port. A failure inside this new box that mixes these returns could create some spectacular and expensive damage. Another ground related issue is electrical noise. I spent a lot of time carefully routing and shielding the numerous cables in my shop to get my mill and lathe to run error-free from a single computer with much longer than recommended USB and DB-25 control cables all within a pretty nasty electrical noise environment. At that time, when I had access to the proper test equipment, I discovered the spindle VFD noise was one of the culprits affecting the reliability of my set-up. So, it's possible my break-out box could introduce a new problem with similar symptoms to the one I'm trying to solve. In addition, since the lathe work on this engine is pretty much completed, it could take a while to realize any change I may have made to the noise environment or to capture the spindle acting up.
But, getting back to my radial build, progress has slipped a bit due to holiday stuff. I started a SolidWorks layout of the engine's firewall since I already had or could easily complete models for the various components that will be mounted on it. With CAD I'm able to shuffle virtual blocks around for a workable layout before cutting or drilling any holes in some expensive pieces of metal.
My highest priority for the layout is the placement of the ignition modules. They need to be located so their susceptible trigger cables are routed directly to their distributors and away from the high voltage tower wiring. The tach needs to be located close to the particular ignition module that will drive it since the driving signal is also low-level and noise susceptible.
A second priority involves the height of the oil tank. The tank's drip feed outlet wants to be at or about the same level as the engine's oil input tube for best operation. The tank's return fitting, on the other hand, must be higher than the engine's oil return line.
Due to its design, the placement of the components in the recirculating fuel system is less critical. The only requirement is that the fuel tank must be below the carb bowl in order for the gravity return line to work as needed.
Almost immediately, though, I realized I should have been working on the layout simultaneously with the design of its components. Although I had designed each of them with a minimum volume for a reasonable degree of maintainability, it quickly became apparent that I should have been more concerned with packaging envelopes and less concerned with packaging volumes. For example, my arbitrarily selected locations for the oil tank drain plug and the fuel tank inlet/outlet tubes significantly affected my choices for placement of the electrical components that don't like getting wet. As a result, because issues like this weren't were considered early enough, I had to settle for a larger firewall than I really wanted with excessive space between its components.
In order to reduce the width of the firewall size somewhat I ended up designing a new fuel tube assembly for the fuel tank. The issue was not only an interference problem with the electrical control panel but also my initial selection of the fuel tank return tube diameter. With the small volume carb bowl I'm using, it's important that the return line be as free-flowing as possible in order for the stand pipe return inside the bowl to regulate the fuel level over a reasonably wide range of fuel pump pressures. I used a 3/16" (o.d.) return line in my H-9, but I had reduced it to 1/8" in the T-18 tank for compatibility with a nice looking anodized cap that came with the polyethylene tank that I purchased. When I tested the operation of the fuel loop mocked up with the firewall's trial placement of the fuel components, I found the back pressure in the 1/8" return tube was too high. The fuel pump voltage, even with a .022" restrictor in the high pressure side had to be carefully adjusted to prevent pressurizing the bowl and squirting fuel out its vent. The solution was to increase the return tube to 3/16", but the minimum 90 degree bend radius for this diameter tube exiting the fuel tank created placement issues with the control panel. So, I made a new fuel tank tube inlet with machined 90 degree exits. The six tubes making up the new assembly were soft soldered into a brass cap using high temperature solder for the inner three, and low temperature solder for the outer three. The long internal tube with the bend is the tank's air vent while the tube with the flexible 'clunk' is the fuel pickup. The large diameter tube is, of course, the new return. The cap is sealed to the tank by a sandwiched rubber stopper drawn up between the cap and a metal backing disk using a long SHCS.
Eventually, after arriving at a compromise placement that was more functional than esthetic, I was able to finalize the dimensions of the two large aluminum plates that will make up the engine's display/running platform. My scrap pile had final approval over the design with the bottom plate ending up 1/2" thick. Both plates turned out to be larger than the working envelope of my mill, and so a lot of time was spent re-indexing both workpieces so I could machine the features I wanted. I was careful to not waste any of the 1/2" plate material by recycling the drops from the machined baseplate contour into support brackets for the firewall.
With the engine weighing over 40 pounds, I'm estimating a total assembly weight at around 65 pounds. Therefore, in addition to making it a robust platform, I also added a provision for carrying it without damaging months of work.
I assembled the basic platform which pretty much locked in my current component placement before the throttle and advance linkages were designed. Now that I have a concrete platform to work with, I'll next focus on them. Hopefully I haven't painted myself into some corner, and I can have some fun with their design even though my CAD tool doesn't handle rod ends. - Terry