The motor adapter was machined from aluminum for a snug fit around the ServoCity series of HD planetary gear motors:
The motor I'm currently using is the 313 RPM version that I previously tested using my Howell V-twin as a load. Its gear-case makes the motor a little longer than I'd like, and so I'm using the adapter to hide some of it inside the cam box. The adapter was machined for a shaft seal, and a .010" teflon gasket between it and the cam box should prevent oil leaks.
The motor sprocket was machined from 1144 to closely fit the 6 mm D-shaft. There's a hub for a grub screw, and between it and the sprocket is a clearance groove for the chain. One of the issues that I wrestled with during the design was providing enough clearance around the chains for the connector links which are somewhat wider than the chains themselves. Space around the sprockets is so tight that some of those clearances are only .010".
The primary chain connects the motor to an over-running clutch. The clutch is actually an RCB-06014 one-way bearing running on a countershaft located between the motor and distributor drive shaft. Its exact location had to satisfy the 'whole link' requirements of both chains and in doing so influenced the sizes of all four sprockets. The result compromised the 1:1 effective gear ratio that I was trying to maintain between the motor and the crankshaft. I ended up at 1:1.2 which reduced the available torque at the crankshaft by 20%. I had been toying with the idea of replacing the 313 RPM motor with the 437 RPM version, but now seems counterproductive. A 165 RPM version with twice the torque is available if necessary.
Although the countershaft has its own sprocket and spins on its own pair of end bearings, it's also the inner race of the one-way bearing. During starting, the countershaft is locked by the clutch to the starter motor through the primary chain. When the engine starts, the secondary chain linking the distributor drive shaft to the countershaft over-runs the starter and the clutch disengages it.
The sprocketed countershaft was also machined from 1144. Manufacturers recommend hardening the inner shafts used in one-way bearings, but I was concerned about my ability to correct any warpage that might be created by the heat treatment. Instead, I decided to rely upon Stressproof's extremely high tensile and yield strengths to withstand the bearing's sprags without deforming. Although it's not a guarantee that 1144 is up to the task, I've been running this same bearing inside the Merlin on a similar shaft with no issues so far. Inside the Knucklehead it will be running at less than half its rated torque.
A one-way bearing has a thin drawn outer shell that requires a pressed-on backup sleeve. If the shell's o.d. is measured, it may appear to be a couple thousandths oversize and out-of-round. Regardless, it's important that the i.d. of its pressed-on sleeve be exactly that specified by the manufacturer. It's also advisable to use an arbor similar to the one in the photo during the pressing operation in order to support the bearing's internals against damage. It's easy to become confused about the bearing's direction, and over time I've learned to check twice and press once. My particular sleeve including its integral sprocket required the full capacity of a two ton manual press.
The distributor drive shaft is geared to the crankshaft, but it's also linked to the countershaft through the secondary chain. In addition to its integral sprocket, this shaft contains additional features for mounting the crankshaft-to-distributor reduction gear as well as a miter gear for driving the distributor. The reduction gear is bolted to a flange on the shaft, but the miter gear's hub will be inserted into a recess machined into a rear face on the shaft. The miter gear will be Loctited in place after the distributor is completed and the gear's exact location on the shaft can be determined. This recess was machined using a tiny face grooving tool ground from a .042" HSS drill bit that I soft-soldered to the end of a piece of steel.
My confidence in the design grew while machining its components, and so I decided to scrap the idea of a trial assembly on a mock-up plate. Instead, I finished the cam box machining and assembled the starter inside it.
It was a great relief to find that the shafts lined up properly between the cam box and its cover. The cover is doweled to the cam box, all the bearings are snug press fits, and the shafts are close fits inside their bearings; and so there was little room for error. Once the alignments were verified, I fine-tuned the lengths of the shafts for a .003" thrust clearance while keeping the paired sprockets at the same height. The chains appeared to have the proper fits, and they ran interference-free with the cover in place. I was disappointed, though, when I realized I wasn't going to be able to watch them running. The sprocketed shafts require the support of their outer bearings, and the starter can only be safely run with the cover in place.
Additional good news was that I somehow managed to properly install the clutch. The flywheel spins in the correct direction when the motor is energized and freewheels when it isn't. Since the engine isn't far enough along to build compression, the only load I could put on the starter was my uncalibrated hand on the flywheel. The starter sounds good though and has a whine that's reminiscent of a full-size engine. - Terry