Hi everyone
I thought I better update you on the progress on the engine
As the title suggests it hasnt all gone well and I need some advice
Anyway, I didnt like the idea of fitting a set of auto points to this engine so I have been following a thread on this site about a hall sensor circuit for model engines
I built this and the pics show how I fitted the sensor into the cam gear with means to adjust the firing timing, the gear has been cut in a couple of places, thats because the first set up was done off the cuff and when I put things together the sensor hit the cam so I had to re do stuff
So I put all the parts together, connected up the electronic bits and tried to start the engine, after a couple of spins the dam thing fired, ran for a bit then stopped. A couple of tweeks on the throttle and she was away, I hope the video of it running loads up OK onto the site
After a bit of running I dedcided it would be best to put a little water into the hopper to keep it cool, I ran it dry at first as I wasnt expecting it to run like it did, my son is in the background feeding fuel into the engine
Well this is where the despair comes in and where you guys and gals out there come in with advice
I have hopefully uploaded a video of the situation, with water in the hopper there suddenly appeared a lot of bubbles when turning the engine over and the water level dropped, anyone want to guess where it went?
Yup thats right, into the cylinder.
On dismantling the engine I find I have a pinhole from the bore through to the water jacket. Its tiny, I only found it with a hard look but its there.
I hope, and this is your part, that I might recover the situation by coating the inside of the water jacket with fiberglass resin, hoping it will seal the leak. The hole is too far round the cylinder to get at from the outside and too far down the bore to get from the inside, its right at the point where the cylinder wall meets the mounting flange, almost underneath
I just got a message I cant upload video, can anyone tell me how to do it, this is a link created by my pet computer genius
[ame="http://youtu.be/Rx4vsZP8QKQ"]http://youtu.be/Rx4vsZP8QKQ [/ame]
Anybody out there with any suggestions please get in touch