The wheels arrived this morning,straight out of the box and onto the lathe
I will document the process as it is not by the book and may seem a long and drawn out process with lots of unneccessary operations but i will explain so
nobody is thinking what a long winded way of going about thing
Two main requirements to my mind are to get the front of the wheels looking correct with the insie edge of the wheel rim concentric and the axle central to the centre boss.If we go by the book and mount the wheel with the rear side out,remove approx half of the excess material,turn the OD to just over size and drill and ream the bore we can encounter 2 problems.
1- the bore may not exit the front face dead centre with the boss
2- when the outside face is finished you may get too close to the front of the spokes or even touch them,bad
To overcome this i will take the long way round so it becomes apparent
The castings were of good quality,machined well with few hard spots and most importantly had plenty of excess material
First i mounted in the 5" 4jaw self centering chuck and skimmed the face and OD just enough to remove the skin and clean up.I then reversed and did the same to the outside faces and the wheel dia.Now the wheels are still well oversize but can be replaced in the 4 jaw SC within a couple of thou of concentic and can be treated as fresh out of the box with regards to the
following operations. Cant wait to start tommorrow