Piston Rings: Blank Preparation . . .
I've run out of excuses to start working on the piston rings, and so they're now underway. I'm anal about precision when it comes to piston rings, and for me their machining has typically been an exercise in frustration and patience. Asymmetrical stresses left in cast iron after it's cooled can cause parts to distort during machining and even days later. The ring's form factor particularly makes it a problem.
I've experimented with machining sequences, depths of cut, preheating, and relaxation strategies all with questionable degrees of success. The best rings have come from small choice areas in the central areas of finished blanks and sometimes with yields as low as 10%. Blank material that didn't finish up to within a couple tenths of being round or not on the final o.d. target is scrapped, and I've have a collection of shiny cast iron tubes to show for it.
In the last dozen or so years I've used the 'Trimble method' to make hundreds of rings. Fervent discussions about other techniques pop up all the time, but I was won over by the science behind the performance and longevity of George Trimble's rings first described in his 1989 Strictly IC articles.
Trimble's method requires a shop-made normalization fixture that's designed around the rings' exact finished dimensions. Its purpose is to set the ring's final shape so that after installation the ring will apply uniform contact pressure around the cylinder wall. Trimble's 1475F normalization temperature is the only part of his process that hasn't withstood the test of time. I use 1050F which is a compromise of what others with more metallurgical knowledge than I have recommend. Controlling this temperature in a home shop without a suitable oven can be difficult, and this along with a lack of understanding of Trimble's original treatises may be why other methods have found favor over the years.
Trimble's method begins with the ring's o.d. and calculates a width and thickness to produce an optimum cylinder contact pressure. These numbers plus clearances are used to machine the ring grooves in the pistons. These calculations along with those that will be used to machine the fixture are shown in the worksheet in the first photo.
I've used gray cast iron (also known as class 40 cast iron) for all my rings. It's available in centrifugally cast rounds from multiple suppliers. The 1-1/2" round used for the 289's rings was purchased sometime in the 90's from now defunct Enco and has been relaxing in my shop for the last 25 years.
A 3" band-sawed starting blank was prepared with the hope of winding up with two inches of finished candidate ring material. After skimming its entire o.d., the blank was chucked in the lathe and left there for the remainder of its machining. Fifty percent of the excess o.d. stock was removed, the i.d. was rough drilled to 7/8" before leaving the workpiece to relax overnight. The i.d. was bored to its finished diameter the next day. The one inch holding spigot was left solid to avoid clamping-induced distortion in the finished area.
The workpiece was allowed to rest for another day before the o.d. was turned to its finished diameter plus two thousandths. Sharp inserts intended for aluminum and .040" (dia.) depths of cut were used. The o.d.'s last two thousandths were polished away the next day using 220g and then 400g paper. Quadrature measurements were continually mic'd at three equally spaced points along its length during polishing. The diameters were left two tenths oversize and the blank allowed to rest overnight before being remeasured for the final time.
As it turned out this was the first ring blank in my memory that remained well-behaved throughout its machining. The entire finished area wound up round within a tenth and the o.d. within two tenths of my target. I'd like to believe I finally stumbled upon an optimum ring machining process, but the results probably had more to do with the age of the material. After 25 years it had no energy left for hide-and-seek games. Although I probably could have gotten all the rings needed plus spares from this blank, a second one was identically prepared and it too was trouble-free.
The finished blanks were moved to the Wabeco lathe and a simple program written to part 40 rings from each blank. The Trimble calculations had been used earlier to machine the piston groove widths to .027". The rings were parted off with .027" widths and then lapped to their final dimension which was .025" +.0005"/-0".
Lapping the rings isn't for cosmetics. Smooth sides are important because during combustion the bottom face of the ring must seal against the lower face of the piston groove so combustion gasses behind the ring can push and seal the ring to the cylinder wall. Of course, the lower face of the ring groove must also provide a smooth sealing surface. Without this seal, an otherwise perfect ring will have excessive blow-by and compression loss.
A simple shop-tool was used to uniformly grip the rings while they were being lapped. The first thousandth was removed using 400g paper over a surface plate, and remainder was lapped away on a glass plate using 600g grease. The inside corners of the rings were broken using a cylindrical ceramic file, but the outside corners were left sharp.
After a ring is parted from its blank, it's difficult to judge its quality without completely finishing it and running a light test, and all this will be done next. For now, all rings from both blanks are being lapped (half are completed), and at ten minutes per ring, I have another seven hours of mind-numbing work ahead. - Terry