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  1. D

    Help me spend some money! :)

    Hi, almost exactly 3 years ago i bought a weiss combination lathe. the only basic tools that i had were a dti plus holder, digital vernier, collet chuck plus 6 often used collets, parting, boring and turning tools for the lathe,vise, few drills and tapts and about 3 different endmill sizes. and...
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    Small V8

    Thanks for the information andy. How did you copy the Chevy crank and timing, did you use any prints and if so how did you got them: Drei
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    Small V8

    I wanted to know how did you time the engine, for example which the firing order and thus how do you number the cwlinders. I mean do you start counting on the crank shaft or on the cylider bancks and if so after each other or crossing them? Then as for the cam timing, once you have determind...
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    Small V8

    Great looking engine well done :). Regarding the crack, at which rpm did you machien it and as for the tool you used hss right? Drei
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    Jim builds his second v-8

    hi, does anyone know from where i could buy materials like the cold rolled steel used for the cranckshaft etc. im looking for a site which could ship to Malta. Thanks Drei
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    Small V8

    Hi, How did you calculated the displacment of the blower, the diameter of the two rotors etc Drei
  7. D

    Gouging pin diameter

    The bore will have a diameter of 25 and also the stroke is 25 with a compression ratio of 10:1. Drei
  8. D

    Gouging pin diameter

    Hi, is a 6 mm diameter to small for a gouging pin situated in a 1\4 v8 engine. the engine would rev for about 10000 because it will be supercharged. Thanks Drei
  9. D

    Stainless steel 304

    Which one is better for machining engine valves? Drei
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    how do you grind cams?

    I just cut the cams with the cam cal program values, then polish them on the lathe with some fine emrycloth. Tough i would like to have some sort of machien or cam grinder to be able to achieve a more accurate cam. Andrei
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    Small V8

    so the blower sucks and copresses air plus fuel from the carb and keep compressing it continuesly..right Andrei
  12. D

    Small V8

    Hi, I have a question about the blower assmelby. I the blower compresses air where does the air goes; i mean i think it goes in the carborator right but the thing is, if the in the carb is building up pressure the fuel wouldnt be pushed back to the tank? Or is it an open system that means that...
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    V8 Plans

    Hi, Can you tell me from where I can find any drawings of a 1/4 v8 engine machiend from bar stock? Thanks Anderi
  14. D

    Chuck to rot table mounting?

    Hi, How do you guys attach your lathe chuck to the rotary table. If you have the work piece turning on the lathe then you have to mount it on the rotary table without removing it from the chuck. And what are like the flanges or accesories that attach the chuck onto the ratary table. Thanks Drei
  15. D

    How to mill a bowl pocket

    If i was giong to do the job, first i would roughly cut small steps leaving ecess material. Then machien and form a 3in diameter ball nose tool and cut some cutting angles with the slitting saw etc. Then gently as posssible with low rpm i would drill and form the hole. I think that the most...
  16. D

    Vega 9cc v twin

    I have used the loctite for my Lynx engine and it didnt hold, maybe because i used the green loctite. I have heard that to acheive permanent bonds the blue one is better maybe i should have tried it. About the pinning, i did it as well and the cam shaft fails and snapped from the pin hole. At...
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    90 degree V-twin engine

    What is the main difference in designing the v twin in a 90 or 45 deg angle? Does it effect the RPM or torque?... Drei
  18. D

    How to post a picture.

    Sry but i can do in, i uploded som images on the Image Shack and selected View image from the right click button. Then a box indicated the link, i copied it and inserted it in between the brackets of the button Image frm the post. And its wrong again... can you explain pls Thanks Drei
  19. D

    How to post a picture.

    Last try EDIT: Corrected error in link code. -Wareagle
  20. D

    How to post a picture.

    Sry again :-[ EDIT: Corrected error in link code. -Wareagle