I have recently bought the super X3 mill from axminister and overall I am very pleased with its performance. the only problem that I saw is that the coulum vibrates and "moves" especially in boring process. I also can confirm this because when I measure the holes they tend to be slightly oval. between 0.05 and 0.02 which is a value to big when building these small engines. I also tried to give the tool very small cuts but still comes out slightly oval ( less than bigger cuts). Tough the boring head is eccentric, I run the spindle t about 350rpm thus vibration doesnt effect (I think).
I was thinking in building some sort of re-enforcement to the head any ideas....
I have recently bought the super X3 mill from axminister and overall I am very pleased with its performance. the only problem that I saw is that the coulum vibrates and "moves" especially in boring process. I also can confirm this because when I measure the holes they tend to be slightly oval. between 0.05 and 0.02 which is a value to big when building these small engines. I also tried to give the tool very small cuts but still comes out slightly oval ( less than bigger cuts). Tough the boring head is eccentric, I run the spindle t about 350rpm thus vibration doesnt effect (I think).
I was thinking in building some sort of re-enforcement to the head any ideas....