Everything has gone well until Murphy's Law showed his ugly head.
I was drilling some unknown steel out of the scrap box and all of a sudden the bit just wouldn't cut anymore. Upon inspection, the 5/16" HSS looked like a brad point. Another bit promptly dulled. So, I annealed the piece with a propane torch and tried a third bit. Not a scratch. Where did I go wrong?
Let's see. It turned in the lathe, surfaced in the mill and the 1/8" holes drilled without pause. After annealing the surface had a brittle carbon shell. Maybe the propane torch isn't hot enough to anneal this steel. Must be some high carbon stuff.
I was drilling some unknown steel out of the scrap box and all of a sudden the bit just wouldn't cut anymore. Upon inspection, the 5/16" HSS looked like a brad point. Another bit promptly dulled. So, I annealed the piece with a propane torch and tried a third bit. Not a scratch. Where did I go wrong?
Let's see. It turned in the lathe, surfaced in the mill and the 1/8" holes drilled without pause. After annealing the surface had a brittle carbon shell. Maybe the propane torch isn't hot enough to anneal this steel. Must be some high carbon stuff.