I am suffering from degenerative osteo arthritis and have been for the last six years. This means I operate machinery when on morphine. My ability to stand for more than 10 minutes is low that my workshop has 2 chairs and a stool.
All the planning for work is safety first because it has to be as my concentration levels are low especially after 3 or 4 hours. I get up around 0600 and am in bed around 1300 to 1400. As a chronic pain sufferer my lifestyle until recently (last 18 months) was extremely depressing.
There are those that will say that I shouldn't operate machinery, especially on my medication, but I say that my sanity is only kept in check BECAUSE I have my workshop!
If I stopped then the alternative is to crawl up into a ball and do nothing and did that for 4 1/2 years (4.5000 in imperial) so since its my life, my decision and my workshop, that's what I will do. The importance of this forum and those who contact me via my website and blog is that it gives me the social intercourse (no smut here please) that most human beings, including me, need.
So I am happy with my lot and am enjoying model making. ANYTHING can be overcome if the payback is good enough. Anything.
The usefullness of doing even small jobs for others is immense to the mental well being. So if I can do it (whatever it is?) then so can anyone.
Just read this for spelling and hey, life's better that the read! Oh happy days........ :big:
Well then.
Guess I found the right place.
Retarded Military here with a magangled up lower back and right cryattic nerve makes life....interesting.
I took possession of some family tools from my dad, grandpa, and uncle. Now I'm taking the long route on getting a shop setup.
Got parts for three Atals 19" lathes, an Enco mill and an Atlas Shaper. With a whole bunch of fiddly bits to make em all play nice.
First order of business is staying motivated long enough to put order into all that mess. I'd take a picture if I didn't think the image of all that clutter wouldnt break the camera.
Where is that magical locus if motivation? How did you come to terms with the pain versus productivity?