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zeeprogrammer said:
Now I worry. There's more stories and I'm beginning to see a pattern.

Not to worry, zee. You're secret is safe with us!

Good to see you're still around and the job hasn't taken away your sense of humor!
Lederhosen - belly dancer - shaved ankles.

I'm going to have to stare into the sun for a while to erase that montage from my mind.
zeeprogrammer said:
Robert! Glad to hear from you.
Do you have a thread going? Where?

Idle lately, still a tad too cold out for my likes. Last one was a Laminar Flow. Thing still tickles me as "how the heck does it work." Am perty sure I beat my old lathe to death with all the interrupted cutting so am looking at the 7 X 16 from micromark. Gave up smoking round 5 months ago figuring that savings would cover the lathe. The Bride on the other hand, well, I just have to be a bit sneakier where I stash the coin.

Good to hear ya. Beginning to think you'd gone native, loincloth and all.

Zee! Great to hear from you. I was away for awhile and when I got back here there was no Zee. Glad to hear you weren't gone because of some dire calamity.
