Well-Known Member
Wow, never thought this topic would generate so much interest and so many interesting answers.
Stay safe everyone, really enjoy this site.
Stay safe everyone, really enjoy this site.
Could you take it out in some kind of trade?I normally don't charge friends or family to do something for them. However, a neighbor asked what I would charge their school to thread 24 rods with 3/8 - 24 threads at each end. And she will not let me do it for free. Any idea what I should charge?
yeah, and the snow was whiter when I was a kid too.Davidyat.
On behalf of my erstwhile colleagues who contribute to the chat herewith: I hope you don't mind all the more senior (and mostly retired?) contributors, of whom I am one, venting their spleens and trying to re-write the way to run the world. I see it a lot - and contribute my share - on this site. It is something that the so called "primitive" tribes did in long times past. The young get on with living, raising kids and collecting food and making shelters, while the older members sit around and debate how it was better when they were younger! We seem to do much the same today?
So I hope you can extract some sense from our combined opinions, and make a decision that leaves you comfortable with what you are doing.
Happy machining - even though it is not machining bits for engines, or the related engineering, your topic seems to have excited us all!
And avoid eating yellow snow! But the soundest advice is to do it for free.yeah, and the snow was whiter when I was a kid too.
So you would have come across John Angelo Jackson of Plas Y Brenin- of the 1953 Everest thing and of of course---- was a Goldstar31 of RAF Squadron 31( The Goldstars). He gave my late wife her 'Two Star' at Geilo in Norway. Christine's Dad flew with John in Burma. Funny old World.I lived further south... we only had snow in December 1962...
I don't like suprises, and I'm not really bothered about snow! - I fought with it working in Scotland at the Lochaber smelter - Fort William - just below Ben Nevis. And tried to get stranded on the Black Mount, Rannock Moor, and other snowy roads, many times. Is this the suprise?
View attachment 122430le Suris
I normally don't charge friends or family to do something for them. However, a neighbor asked what I would charge their school to thread 24 rods with 3/8 - 24 threads at each end. And she will not let me do it for free. Any idea what I should charge?
Not only was the snow whiter, it was TWICE as deep as it is nowadays! Also, it was uphill both ways, and there were WOLVES, not these silly occasional stray dogs you run into now. I'm talking RAVENING PACKS OF WOLVES, that you had to beat off with a shovel. We always carried a shovel with us, just in case of wolves. I was fortunate to survive my time as a teen in the 1970's. There were no cell-phones to call for help with, either! We had to build a signal fire back then, or use the flare guns we carried when we went out in the winter!yeah, and the snow was whiter when I was a kid too.
An apple pie and about 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies sounds about right................... And she will not let me do it for free. Any idea what I should charge?
The bottle of wine is good. If I do a 3D design and print for someone, I usually ask for a reel of filament in return.An apple pie and about 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies sounds about right.