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Now Richard, why would I want to train my cat to bite? Are you coming to visit? ;) ha ha. just joking.
yeah, I'm coming for a visit. I often ask peeps if their dogs bite. Of course, they all say no. but the reality of it is probably 50% WILL bite just haven't had the oportunity. Every once in a while we hear about someone's dawg biting someone, and the owner swears the dog dosen't bite. the worst biters are Chihuahuas--if not 100%, nearly. I asked someone if her chihuahua bites a couple months ago, and of course she said no. But I know better, I've never met a chihuahua who wouldn't bite.
yeah, I'm coming for a visit. I often ask peeps if their dogs bite. Of course, they all say no. but the reality of it is probably 50% WILL bite just haven't had the oportunity. Every once in a while we hear about someone's dawg biting someone, and the owner swears the dog dosen't bite. the worst biters are Chihuahuas--if not 100%, nearly. I asked someone if her chihuahua bites a couple months ago, and of course she said no. But I know better, I've never met a chihuahua who wouldn't bite.
OK Richard, you got me. She doesn't bite because the scratching always works. But if the scratching doesn't draw enough blood...... maybe she would bite. She's actually a very sweet kitty, just a bit mental. So, anybody's guess.
My cat bites!!! Little scamp!! I was standing in from of the bathroom sink and she came up behind me, was rubbing and all, then she decided to take a nip out of my leg!!!
And I don't know why, but she has to come and help me go to the bathroom!! If I don't latch the door, she'll push it open and come right in!!
And you can pet her, at her convenience!!! Something about her, she doesn't like to be petted or held. But she follows us all over the house.
sometimes when I'm at the computer, she comes in, sits on the floor beside me, looking at me, giving a little "squeak". So, I pick her up,
(One of the few times I can pick her up!!), put her in my lap, then she jumps up on the desk and blocks the screen!! As you say, Lloyd, she's a bit (or a lot!!) mental. But we love her!!! Great entertainment!!
OK Richard, you got me. She doesn't bite because the scratching always works. But if the scratching doesn't draw enough blood...... maybe she would bite. She's actually a very sweet kitty, just a bit mental. So, anybody's guess.
My kitty is a tuxedo. She is about 8-9 years old but still loves to play. I like to play too, but her claws are razors. I have to trim them to be able to play with her. but she is a llot of fun. When she can't win, she gets angry and then bites, not hard but enought to hurt a little. she doesn't draw blood. When I was a kid (last week) we had siamese cats. My brother played with them too much and got cat-scratch fever (yes, it's a real thing). We never thot about trimming their razor blades.

Wheat 48: when my cat nips me, she is hungry. My kitty also opens the door and she sleeps on top of me. I do a lot of computer work in bed and YES, she blocks the view always.
My kitty just discovered the new electric blanket . Looks like it’s going to be he favorite spot for nap. It’s interesting I have a furry Sherpa blanket that she won’t even walk across .

More snow looks like about 3-4” I hop it’s nt wet stuff it’s 30 deg F

I’m goin to see if I can get solid works running today ive got the laptop set up so the tv can be the screen so I can see it better . Tv is not as high resolution but at least I can see icons better . You can zoom in as much as needed I just have not used it much so I learning windows and SW at the same time I really need a printer now so I’ll look into one shortly
In one of those chicken first or egg events, I acquired a set of DA 100 collets long before I had a use for them, or even anything in which to use them. When I finally got around to making the vertical head for my milling machine, naturally I used the collet on hand. At 3/8” maximum capacity, though, they have been rather limiting, especially as I have a Number of .5” shank straight milling cutter, dovetail cutters, and keyway cutters. I did plan ahead in making the milling head, planning on some day getting a set of DA 200 collets. Someday arrived a few months ago, and now I have gone the next step; disassembling the milling head, modifying the spindle for the larger collets, and reassembling the head. Another round tuit taken care of.


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It light rained all night freezing rain it’s like a skating rink outside I’ll toss som ice melt salt out there but I may have to dig out my shoe cleats and ice tip for my cane the roads are clear but side streets are a mess . It’s supposed to warm up tomorrow so that will help . Unusual weather this winter. Sorry it’s not climate change there has not been a climate incident since 535 AD when volcanoes erupted . While it became planet wide but there was no melting of ice caps or mass extinctions . Good reading if you need something to do.
Well I got SW up and running with display on larger TV screen I don’t know how. I just kept pressing buttons untill it piped up . I think I’ll leave well enough along until tomorrow .

i&R test tomorrow so maybe some insight into persistent nose bleeds . I have to take blood thinners as preventative to blood clots . Blood oxygen was 100% again today so something is going right I think lost a good 5?pounds since last doc visit . So that’s good but pants are loose fit now .
In one of those chicken first or egg events, I acquired a set of DA 100 collets long before I had a use for them, or even anything in which to use them. When I finally got around to making the vertical head for my milling machine, naturally I used the collet on hand. At 3/8” maximum capacity, though, they have been rather limiting, especially as I have a Number of .5” shank straight milling cutter, dovetail cutters, and keyway cutters. I did plan ahead in making the milling head, planning on some day getting a set of DA 200 collets. Someday arrived a few months ago, and now I have gone the next step; disassembling the milling head, modifying the spindle for the larger collets, and reassembling the head. Another round tuit taken care of.
I wanted to have some ER collets (various sizes) for my lathe. I watched how Halligan (utub) did it and I followed his method. When I got a Grizz with D1-5 spindle nose, I started building parts for ER collets for that. I have to do one right yet but need a mill to do the six holes for the pins. Actually instead of six hole, I'm only doing 4, as the stresses on the collet holders just is not that much. I might have a 8-9" chunk of material in 3 or 4 jaw which certainly would need all six pins but the ER collets generally have 30mm (about an inch and a quarter) so much less stress and force on them.

This workt well for my little Enco but since I have gotten the Grizz, I don't bother with the Enco which has a screw nose. I did sort of finish ONE ER32 for the Grizz but the pin holes are just a bit off and the correct placement is not repeatable. When I get mill fixed up, I should be able to remedy that. There is room on the ER plate to simply drill some more holes and try like it is. I have three more plates ready however, as I have ER25, ER 32, ER40 and an ER 50 . SThe 50 the collets are hard to find as they are rather new.

Your work is very nice. Thumbs up.
Getting ready for dentist visit . He won’t need to do much ive lost a bunch of teeth in sports injuries . There weren’t any mouth protection devices in early years later I had a brand new Rawlings double cheek protector baseball helmet. I YHINK it was the second or third game I got a direct hit on the left side that broke the cheek guard off . Nearly got ejected over that one pitcher did get tossed out . Then a couple games later before Rawlings sent me a new one we played a game on softball field I never liked playing softball on them as they were dirt so baseballs could take strange hops , well I played second base , sure enough a hard hit ball took a bad hop right in to unprotected side and a couple theeth went out.

So I’m sure he will want me to get implants . Cost will be the factor . I’m getting along . Then next is eye doctor . I have in home hospital care people and transportation services so it’s pretty easy but time consuming
I am installing a couple of chestnut oak shelves in my daughter's kitchen. They are 42" x 10-1/2" x 1-3/4" thick and are made from wood we cut off of our property about 10 years ago. They will be "floating" shelves. There is 7/8" O.D. steel tube that goes into the shelf, and that plugs into a mating hole in the studs in the non-load bearing wall. I made a couple of steel bushings to drive into the mouth of the holes in the wall to stabilize and adjust the alignment. I've used this method before and in the end, it looks almost magical, but it is a real pain doing the fine tuning because the big deep holes are never located exactly right or perpendicular, etc.

I was looking back at the beginning of this thread when Shelton revived it last summer. The first 2 posts evoke those wonderfully delicious summer smells of the Gardenia bush (and all flowers) and the fresh cut grass. The thought almost gives me goose bumps right now in the middle of the winter. But the days ARE getting longer now in the northern hemisphere.

The winter smells aren't nearly as great........ Impending snow, ....... although the beautiful crunchy silence after a big snow storm when the power has gone out but the generators have not yet been fired up. An occasional cracking branch. You don't get that kind of all-enveloping peaceful quiet very often.
I agree with you about the silence Lloyd-ss.

I live just outside of Erie Pa, right on Lake Erie, I spend alot of time at Elk Creek (One of many tributaries that run into the lake) & see it through the seasons. It's really amazing when it freezes up...the silence. It's almost spooky, but a most pleasant escape from reality.

Wel the dental appointment crashed today the transportation co. Turns out does not come out to our small town and cancelled. Thanks for calling and advising me . So my in home med care person got a new transportation co that does come here and we rescheduled appointment , plus actually got a transport ride scheduled for a new appointment too . So nothing got done today except rescheduling things . In home care is great. I&R test tomorrow . Then have I home nurse coming in a week or so for vital sign thing . Sometimes she does cognitive test. Draw a clock with time hands ask question for you to repeat in ten minutes funny I have trouble with these but still remember things 40 years ago exactly as happened . Short term memory is not good but I usually get by . She also clips those awful old people toe nails she even uses my cat claw grinder . And occasionally my good old dremel tool.
Wel the dental appointment crashed today the transportation co. Turns out does not come out to our small town and cancelled. Thanks for calling and advising me . So my in home med care person got a new transportation co that does come here and we rescheduled appointment , plus actually got a transport ride scheduled for a new appointment too . So nothing got done today except rescheduling things . In home care is great. I&R test tomorrow . Then have I home nurse coming in a week or so for vital sign thing . Sometimes she does cognitive test. Draw a clock with time hands ask question for you to repeat in ten minutes funny I have trouble with these but still remember things 40 years ago exactly as happened . Short term memory is not good but I usually get by . She also clips those awful old people toe nails she even uses my cat claw grinder . And occasionally my good old dremel tool.
I had to deal with that cognitive stuff after I broke my brain August 2021 in my motorcycle wreck. My wife broken leg and I couldn't drive for 6 months. Home health care and my kids kept us from killing each other. Lol
My sister called tonight she was in a car crash today someone rear ended her . Smashed the whole rear end snd tailgate of her SUV then pushed her into a roadside snow bank that demolished the front bumper and hood . The body shop says they can’t even look at it for at least a month due to the crashes of recent snow and ice crashes she was just driving along and person was going much faster rammed her . Big mess her hubby was on the other side of town fir doc appointment . Luckily her son was out plowing and came and brought her home . She has never been in a car crash . She did fine the cops came and handled the report . It won’t be available to insurance co go a couple weeks ins co said they would take care of things . Sister did take picture of other car showing license plate . Morning rush hour traffic. Crashes always seem to cause issues . At least she was not injured and air bags did not go off since it was a rear end hit andvthe snow bank was soft stopping

Just a tip for those that use a cane like me . Make sure it is tucked in and don’t straddle it the air bag could drive it into you just secure it between the door and seat and don’t hold on to it as the side or front air bag could really drive it into you or break wrist and fingers best to stow it in back seat on floor .
It was a day of errors today just glad nobody got hurt . Crashes always seem to cost you in the end . Inconvience aside .
Got my teeth deep cleaned today. Monday at hospital for an assessment for electric shock treatment for an irregular, irregular heartbeat on
Tuesday so if the lights go dim in SW England on that day blame me.
Sometimes she does cognitive test. Draw a clock with time hands ask question for you to repeat in ten minutes funny I have trouble with these but still remember things 40 years ago exactly as happened . Short term memory is not good but I usually get by
I had one of those cognitive tests, had the same trouble with remembering the question 10 minutes later. I also have the common problem with putting things down in the workshop and then not being able to find them - I blame malicious invisible elves...
The long-term memory being better than short term is pretty common. I've worked round it by making my computer's "master password" the first two words from the first line of the first poem I learned in junior school (65 years ago) - in the theory that long-term memory is a "last in - first out" mechanism.

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