I got in the door last Friday to a sad little boy and girl (twins age 6). It seems my son took apart my daughters binoculars, and broke them in the process......( Walmart binoculars, not Zeiss.....)
My wife did the right thing and gave my son's binoculars to my daughter.
My son, now heart broken, looked at me and said
" Papa!....I just wanted to know how they worked! :'(
"Mama says you can fix them!? :'("
says I to SHMBO ...without words of course.......
Well......Papa's rep is now on the line, and I haven't even seen the patient yet!
He brought the zip loc bag of parts( some missing) with puppy dog eyes...
Now I can't punish him for wanting to know why......I'll look at it tomorrow, I said ...I will try.........( against my better judgement....but the die was already cast)
The next morning I put the pieces together and came up with a plan. After much .....tooo much effort ( Walmart binoculars now not Zeiss) and a faceplate and a stint at the mill, I made the two repair parts, screwed them together with 1-72 and 5-40 screws and brought them for a test drive. Reputation in tact....and most importantly, my little inquisitive one was happy.... There even better than before Papa!......ah well...I guess it was worth it hey..
NO you won't find brass on Walmart binoculars.......Their Custom! 8)