Hi all,
I fell in love with this place when I saw the "Show us your lathe" thread, so here is my obligatory meet-n-greet.
I am a career electronics hobbyist, restoring vintage vacuum tube stuff but now want to follow in my late father's footsteps: he was a machinist all his life, specializing in making aircraft parts for a living (special alloys and metals) and he left me an Atlas and Shopmaster as well as literally a ton of other tools, so I now plucked up the courage to learn about lathes, how to use them, their various functions and modes etc. I have already discovered the belt transmission and what I call the "auto-incrementor" that moves the cutting tool down the piece, via a side gear that moves the screw drive that runs the length of the lathe. Even though I am a Newbie I figured the best way to learn is from you guys and hope you have patience with me as I ask questions when the manuals and internet aren't clear enough. See you around.