
Home Model Engine Machinist Forum

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Welcome to the forum rockets.
I've been here since February...lots of fun!!!
Hello all,

I started out as a tool & die machinist back in the 1960's and "backed" into mechanical design and engineering through the latter days of the Apollo program. The standing joke is that it is easier for me to list the companies I haven't worked for than those I have [I passed 350 a couple of years back]. I have some documents posted at http://www.scribd.com/Lew Merrick that people may find interesting. One of my ongoing "back-burner projects" is to write a new mechanical design engineer's handbook.

If anyone is looking for material properties, I have a rather extensive collection of such information. I spent nearly three years as the chief mechanical engineer on the DoT program that developed the modern automotive airbag restraint system. That sounds impressive until you realize that airbags are chemical and not mechanical -- but I did spend more than two years working on a product that was designed to blow up in my face!

I work under the understanding that a mind would be a terrible thing to have. As I believe in the square root of -1, I know that I am an irrational number. After all, three years of a mechanical engineer's education is dedicated to proving mathematically that Murphy was an optimist (Third Law of Thermogodamics). Don't be a stranger when you can just be strange!

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Excelente sitio de la Internet.

Tin Falcon said:
Home Model Engine Machinist
Dedicated to the hobbyist machinist building model engines .

Welcome to the board. Rick has done a fantastic job of getting things started. Let’s all do our part to keep the ball rolling and have this site grow. We do not want to make a lot of rules. The members of this board have been exemplary! Keep up the good work.

As the membership approaches 200 we would like to lay out the following


1) Get involved and have fun!

2) Make suggestions we all can learn from others we all have a different perspective, experience and education.

3) Have a question or problem? Ask! There’s no such thing as a dumb question.

4) Show us some of your work we all need inspiration.

5) Lets keep reasonably focused here use the break room for general discussions. Lets remember the first focus here is model engines.

6) Be SAFE! If your head doubts the safety of a set up or procedure,

ask for suggestions. If the suggestions still don’t feel right


7) If you have a tried and true setup that is helpful to the rest of us tell us about it and show us a photo.

8) we are all here to learn and share.

9) please put a general location in your profile so we know what part of the world and country state,province you are from. If it a large state like California , Texas, or Alaska, etc reference to the nearest large city would be good. Please place with avatar or in the signature line so it is handy.

Addendum :
Well the membership is over 2600 at this point and the board has grown there are a few things to add.

There are several Notices and sticky threads in various sub-fora please take time to read them. These include but are not limited to :
"Copyright notice"in the plans area
"Safety Rules " in the safety section
"Notice" in the about HMEM area.

Please confine O/T posts to the break room

Please try to place posts in the most appropriate sub fora.

We encourage all new members to post a introduction thread in the welcome area. That way when you ask a question , answer a question or give advice we have some idea of who you are and your perspective.


Tin & The HMEM Team
I found your site in a moment of idle web surfing, and was impressed from the outset. It looks just the right place to enjoy a wide range of topics related to model engineering.

I am a long time model steam engine fanatic, but only recently have I been able to really enjoy the hobby having taken retirement. My passion is Stuart Turner models from the UK, and I have acquired a range of these over recent years off ebay. I target the tattier end of the scale, seeking those models that need some renovation and tlc, and endeavor to restore them to top condition. I'll post a few images of before and after examples of the models I have restored for critical comment from members.

I have recently acquired a small Emco lathe, and this has opened up a whole new dimension to the hobby, and a realisation that there's so much to learn. I'll look forward to exchanging ideas with you all.

Great website - congratulations,

Welcome to the forum Blaketim.
That was a very nice post.
I'm looking forward to the pics!

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
One big Hello to All

I am really glad to found so interesting forum and more, to participate in.

My name is Elvis and I am from Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I hope that I have something to share with all.
Welcome to the forum Elvis.
Lots of good people and fun here.
Are you working on any projects? Got any pics?
Yep, welcome Elvis - look forward to seeing some of your work.

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

No pressure but th_wwp

Best Regards
Greetings Elvis, uh, did we mention that we love to see pictures of current projects, or past works if you have them? Welcome.


Thanks a lot everybody, I did not expect so warm welcome !
Unfortunately I am new in stuff and I went just to buy Aciera CNC milling machine and today, probably I will
Buy a mini lath, which i will convert to run under Mach 3.
I am electrical engineer and I hope I will be useful to somebody.

Thank you again
Hi to all you good folks. My handle is Metalmuncher I have been lurking in the shadows looking at what all you folks are doing. I live in Norfolk England and have been munching metal on and off for the last twenty years. I am nowhere as skilled as a lot of your members but I have made a few engines that run. A couple of stirlings and a few steam engines, I own a Myford ML7 and a Seig mill so hope to improve. I have been disabled with back and lung problems so shop time is at a premium. Regards Keith.
Hi everybody.
My name is Hans Meevis, and I live in St Maarten in the Caribbean. I am a master goldsmith and gemcutter, and my wife and I make and supply jewellery for our own retail shop.
I have not made any actual petrol or steam machines before, but I have made some electrical machines and various art projects in the "steampunk" art genre.
I have a fully equiped jewellery workshop, like rolling mills, casting and mass production equipment.
I have ordered myselt a steam engine kit as an introduction to this craft.
I really look forward to learning more on this site.
There is some utterly amazing work here.
I also belong to Orchid, ganoksin.com a jewellery site and http://gemologyonline.com/ for many years
Some pictures of my previous work.

This is my "Time Tower" everything is hand made, other than the clocks and light bulbs


This is my Dino War machine. It's articulated and made out of brass copper and silver .

Both these pieces took about 200 hours each to make
Cheers, Hans
Beautiful work Hans.....welcome to HMEM...hope you will enjoy getting into the engine side of things too.
