This morning as I went to machine multiple connecting rods for the radial engine I am building, I decided that a vice stop would be very handy for doing multiple set-ups. This is my low-tech solution, and it works quite well. Don't rag on me about the weld--I did it with my little mig that I use for sheet metal, and it really doesn't quite have the oomph required for a good "burn in" but for this it will work fine. I welded a huge washer I found to the head of a 3/8" shcs., then faced it on the lathe. The angle is a peice of alumnum out of my 'scrap bin". I lucked out and found a couple of T slot nuts that fit my mill table. It doesn't look elegant, but it works, and is another handy tool/fixture for my ever growing arsenal of home built solutions.---Brian