turning 2.5" pipe

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
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I have a 10" length of 2.5 dia ss pipe 2 mm wall thickness pipe that i need to face up both ends square ,any ideas on how to hold as i dont have a fixed steady that will take it .Doing it on an 11" Harrison ...................
How bad are the ends? How much do you have to take off? How much can you chuck on? Have any type of grinder you can mount on the tool post and clean it up that way? Dremel would probably work, especially if you have the flex shaft. Other grinding options would also work, the setup would just be uglier. Real care with extremely light cuts with a sharp bit can be done, but you really need to stress the words CARE and LIGHT.
Make a stepped wooden bung for the unsupported end and use the tailstock for support, make a second bung to go inside so the chuck won't crush the pipe. Or just turn a long wooden cylinder and slip the pipe over that.

I second the plug in the end for support. No way would I feel comfortable having that much overhang out of a chuck, light cuts or no. Be safe and turn up a plug to a press in fit for chuck end and do the same for the tailstock end, creating a "top hat" sort of thing (man don't that sound like BP) with a shoulder on it, then you could proceed carefully in squaring the piece up.

yeh a plug would be good ,cant do the top hat thing probably no good as its the end face that needs to be turned to bring square to shoulder ,thought about a bung that is a good fit in the bore which could have a centre hole in which i can then latch onto a live centre ,issue being loading the bush .

Grinding is not really something i want to do on my lathe but may have a go off hand on the bench grinder .............................

Be easier if i had thicker wall pipe
CB - you could try wrapping a piece of paper round the end; If you wrap it so the paper edge lines up once wrapped, you can either mark the ring, or use as-is (maybe whet the paper a bit so it doesn't burn if you work too hard) - and work down to the mark/paper on a bench grinder (or close to it & file down the last bit).
Paper Wrapped around like this will give a square layout you can work toward.

Regards, Arnold
Thanks pete reckon something along those lines is what i am going to do ,will have a look round at work tomorrow for a suitable lump of wood .

Good old kiwi lads ,always got a plan ,you are a lucky bloke to live in a place like wellington i really liked it there when i visited .

Thanks to all for your advice with my prob
Swap you a packet of hobnobs [ or five ] for a steady ?

John S.
chillybilly said:
Good old kiwi lads ,always got a plan ,you are a lucky bloke to live in a place like wellington i really liked it there when i visited .

I came here a few years back and forgot to go home again. All kosher though and now have citizenship. I love the place, its so much more relaxed than the UK rat race. And I can see the harbour from my front lawn, which I had difficulty doing in Watford.

BTW 1 - I rough cut the wooden disc with a jigsaw screwed it to the faceplate and with the topslide as close as I could get it to job used an ordinary wood chisel to turn it to size. It was pretty easy really. Purists may have an issue with turning wood in their metalwork lathe but needs must at times. But there again I did see a post here recently when somebody used a wood router bit to shape ally in their mill.

BTW 2 - After I did it I found it in one of Martin Evans books, so you'll be in good company

made some ally ends and did it between centres ,all done many thanks .hob nobs in the van steady would be ace
Now turn down the ally less 2x end plate thickness and you have formers for making the end plates. Make them with a step and you can do both again next time

chillybilly said:
made some ally ends and did it between centres ,all done many thanks .hob nobs in the van steady would be ace

OK your names on it, I think it's brand new, if not it's only been supporting a point of view.

John S.
cool john cheers,am up your way on monday doing the work thing so will try to swing by if i can get them off my tail....... ::)

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