After filing the eccentric rods decided to have a go at the expansion links and die blocks. Although the links looked like a straight forward filing job, the drawings showed the die blocks having a straight slot. For some reason I can't fathom now, I wanted these to have a curved slot and I'd had enough filing for the time being, so decided to try and design a curve milling fixture for the peatol. well, I say design, but I just grab what's available and make it up as I go along.
this is what I ended up with: disassembled
and assembled
as you can see, it's just a plate that can pivot on a fixed back plate. I used my beam trammels to mark out a series of arcs (1/4" spacing), then centre poped these on a centre line with the swivel hole (reamed 10mm). In use I line up the nearest hole with a pointer held in one of the collets, and if the radius (as in this case, it was 3 3/16") isn't a multiple of !/4", I adjust the cross-slide with the help of a DI, as here
here it is being used to mill a bronze disc that will become part of the die blocks
and here, some gauge plate for the expansion links (i used my cross slide stops to control the thickness
did it work? well, yes and no. I did eventualy get all the parts made, but not without going through some cutters, fortunately I'd only paid a pound each for them, but it still irked nonetheless.
I had hoped to get away without making a lead screw for it, relying on friction (the pivot is tightened with a nyloc nut) and a long allen bolt as a handle to control the cutting rate, similar to the small rotary tables i've seen here to round of the end of rods etc. (appologies for not remembering who posted the original idea). I think with the cutter being so far from the centre I had a great deal of trouble trying to control it when it was breaking through. cutting the slot was fine. I had the same problem when I was milling on an edge. but i did eventually end up with this
that became these
was it worth it? I could have filed them quicker than the time it took to build the jig, and by the time i'd filed up the die blocks...well... i could only
see the curve in them because i
knew it was there... but the expansion links would only fit in them one way round and they were all the same thickness. So i think i will carry on developing it. I just need to make a lead screw for it. also i think the scapper plate (stops me ploughing into the swivel plate with the cutters) would be better if it was bolted from the back. and i think I could do with drill/reaming a hole in the pivot bolt. this should enable it to be able to mill arcs centred on a hole. anybody got any suggestions about the best way to go about these or other improvements will be gratefully recieved
![Smile :) :)]()
..oh.. and my appologies for this last photo.... the kid in me couldn't resist it :big: :big:
thanks for looking