Thanks for the notes. I was afraid there was no limit constraint. Its OK, Im really interested in the assembly not the motion.
This machine will be moved in X and Y by belt drive. Z will be a lead screw. It has about 14" X and Y travel and 3" Z. Its meant for general small routing, the first application will be to engrave names in bricks for a fund raising project at the Boothbay Railway Village.
I have created a couple of the parts as dxf files and imported them to sheetcam and it all works. So as soon as I decide it done I ought to be able to cut all the parts on my Jet knee mill in just a couple hours.
This is the first time Ive designed a project so fully. I usually start assembling pieces and hacking away at parts as I go. Alibre is making the design a very simple process.
This machine will be moved in X and Y by belt drive. Z will be a lead screw. It has about 14" X and Y travel and 3" Z. Its meant for general small routing, the first application will be to engrave names in bricks for a fund raising project at the Boothbay Railway Village.
I have created a couple of the parts as dxf files and imported them to sheetcam and it all works. So as soon as I decide it done I ought to be able to cut all the parts on my Jet knee mill in just a couple hours.
This is the first time Ive designed a project so fully. I usually start assembling pieces and hacking away at parts as I go. Alibre is making the design a very simple process.