'Tiny' Domestic side shaft engine help

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Jul 16, 2007
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I'm drawing up a version of the 'Tiny' hit and miss engine. It will be modeled after the Domestic side shaft engine with the cam drive shaft running along the side of the crankcase. I have everything drawn and the helical gears cut but I don't know what the flywheel governor mechanism looks like. I have watched numerous Youtube videos but can't quite make out the governor.
If anyone could explain it I would appreciate it.
Domestic governors are generally a single weight on a rod with an "eccentric" on the crank. The weight and rod fit in a hole drilled radially out in the rim OR a little angle bracket bolted to the spoke) and there is a spring between it and the flywheel rim (or bracket). I think in the relaxed state - the "eccentric" is about at zero stroke. When the weight compressed the spring, the "eccentric" comes into play (there is a oblong hold in this eccentric/ring on the crank allowing it to translate).

The control rod loops around this eccentric to the actual the stop which is usually another lever pivoted to latch to the rocker arm. The weight is also timed so that max accel is pushing the latch in time with the rocker to latch. This site shows the parts:


Sounds a whole lot more complicated that it really is.
That helps a lot.

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