I just went down to my "Nut and Bolt" store and picked up a dozen Belleville washers. For those of you who haven't heard of them, they are a spring steel flat washer, which have a curve built into them---They're not really flat. In situations like I have with the new timing handle, you want it to stay wherever you set it and not move out of adjustment from engine vibration. However, you do want it to swing freely "by hand" but then remain in place. These Belleville washers are the answer. You can stack 4 of them together and put one ordinary flat washer next to the part which has the slot cut in it. They work very well to put a constant "pre-load" on the part which must be moved by hand but not by engine vibration
My 1970 Maico motorcycle clutch used stacks of Belleville washers as clutch springs. Damn near bullet proof and a positive engagement, but a real SOB to get the stacks right without having it slip or be too tough to actually pull in the lever!