Hi Matt;
The place to get Locktite is an auto parts store, unless you are near an industrial supply. I've never seen a NAPA or Pep Boys that didn't have it.
I'm not sure about Permatex, either. Most of what they make is a paste, like RTV sealant. Maybe they make a Locktite copy.
Thread locker like we're talking about is thin as water, and comes in different colors and different strengths. It will say Locktite ThreadLocker Blue, or Green, or Red, etc. If you are just asking about it in relation to holding pins on this engine, then any one of them will work. The blue kind, called Locktite 242 is easiest to work with if there is some chance that you may need to remove what ever it is you've locked.
You can get it in a tiny tube, or a small bottle. Big bottles too, but big bucks.