I got two of the sourcing map units last week. Below is extracted from some communication I have had with Jan Ridders in Netherlands.
I determined that the circuits were very similar but the layout is different. The oscillator area was identical (except , of course, the transformer is just a lump so who knows?). In the trigger area the only difference I found was that he XMCR 1006 thyristor used on the Blokker unit was replaced with a PCR 606J sensitive gate SCR and the 2K resistor was replaced with a 1.8K resistor . After a bit of research, I decided the devices are very similar in function and that the resistor difference was unlikely to make a major difference. Oh, the 474nF capacitor was 150V rated up from 100V on the Blokker. So, this morning I went off to get some components and this evening I modified the board just as you recommend for the Blokker unit and, much to my surprise, it worked. Not sure how long it will work in actual use, but the initial results are promising.
I determined that the circuits were very similar but the layout is different. The oscillator area was identical (except , of course, the transformer is just a lump so who knows?). In the trigger area the only difference I found was that he XMCR 1006 thyristor used on the Blokker unit was replaced with a PCR 606J sensitive gate SCR and the 2K resistor was replaced with a 1.8K resistor . After a bit of research, I decided the devices are very similar in function and that the resistor difference was unlikely to make a major difference. Oh, the 474nF capacitor was 150V rated up from 100V on the Blokker. So, this morning I went off to get some components and this evening I modified the board just as you recommend for the Blokker unit and, much to my surprise, it worked. Not sure how long it will work in actual use, but the initial results are promising.