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It seems to me that the spammers usually post their spam in the first post, there was one just yesterday and it was gone in an hour or so. These guys don't usually hang around for the informal vetting they just post and run. Another point that I think is important re: the openness of the forum is that typically at any given time there are 3 to 5 times as many guests on the forum as there are registered members. As I look over at the "online" box to the left now....16 registered users and 48 guests. The point of that is that this forum's reach and I assume impact on the hobby is far more reaching that the actual posts imply. While one of those guests could be checking us out for spamming purposes, or even to lift content...surely the vast majority are visiting because they have some interest in the subject matter. If those folks weren't able to read the content, then well over 50% of our audience is suddenly cut off. The question then becomes would they join and participate or simply get mad and seek out other forums.

Kenny made a good point.
Personalty IMHO my staff is doing an excellent job of keeping spammers out . Controls are in place to keep Bots out. New members are routinely checked out on forums that track and report spammers etc. There are pobably more than a few here that take more than they give in whatever form . There is one guy I noticed that out of 6 posts 3 for questions and two were stuff for sale. Hmm . There are people that have been hear for years are on line and never post. As far as content theft. That is a bit harder to control.

If you register an invention with the pattent office it gives you excluse legal rights to that invention the same with a copyright. Register it or to some extent just authoring the work and you have legal rights.

The law only protects from those with respect for the law. There is that respect word again . One of the foundational core values here. When it comes to patents and copyrights it is pretty much up to the individual to protect his or her own intulectual property. The internet is a public place. Display something in public and people will be people some will admire it and some will attempt to make there own. The problem with the internet there is no way of knowing who copies your work or what they do with it.
The only way to know if someones work is out there and being misused is to search the the net and see if it is on a site. Difficult task. then if you find it there is the task of getting the other site admin to remove the material. see the problem.

This forum is a public place . to turn this forum into an exclusive club is not consistent with our goals.

Yes! I am all for respectful and helpful nutectomys..... ;D

Then stuff them on put them on the wall.

HMEM does have security measures in place to reduce the likelihood of spammers joining
this site and having the opportunity of making their first and only post.

Those measure also make it difficult for some legitimate, well meaning members to join HMEM.

Our team of Administrators and Moderators are all requited volunteers.
That team cover all time zones around the globe, but I do not expect any of the team members
to be online 24/7.
I do feel they do a very good job of removing spammers and their posts in a timely manner.

We are going to get posts from spammers.
There is no way to avoid that and still keep the door open for new members at the same time.

If you see a spam post, please report it immediately.
The post and spammer will be removed as soon as possible!

If you feel HMEM is not handling the spammer issue properly, please contact me personally via PM
or email at [email protected]

Rick Kerr (rake60)
the small amount of spam that gets past the mods here I can live with. I find it annoying that a country that defends its material with a vengeance thinks nothing of stealing others patents and refusing to deal with it. A lot of the stolen posts claimed as their own turn up there regularly. Best we can do is continue on with our lives and enjoy the time we have in our sheds/shops as your a long time dead. Thank you to all the mods that tirelessly work to keep the greatest site relatively spam free. May your days be long and fruitful
hopeless said:
May your days be long and fruitful

Yep, I'm all for the fruitful bit ;D

Best Regards
You guys do a wonderfull job. On the two occasions I have seen a spam post pop up whilst I was on line and reported it - it was gone in 10 minutes.

Keep up the good work it is much appreciated.

As to Trolls who post other peoples work as their own - I pity them - how sad.

The stuff I don't want people to know about doesn't get posted. The stuff I want to share, gets shared. That's all there is to it.

I can't stop the other 7 billion people on earth from being immoral.

abby said:
Hi all , I enjoy this forum and there are some very skilled model engineers post here with some absolutely amazing work.
I have noticed however that there appears to be no control over membership and posts are appearing that are from people that I would describe as spammers with no interest whatsoever in model engines.
I have also seen members work stolen and posted on foreign , mainly far eastern sites , where it would appear that the thieves claim it to be their own work.
Some of you may know that I have my own forum at
Having suffered from both the above we decided to give members an option to post in a "members only" area which can only be accessed by accredited persons.
We also vet any would-be member , checking for any listing against their IP and have a questionaire which is viewed by admin before acceptance.
needless to say we have no Chinese members!
I realise that this involves work - I do it myself - but in my opinion a few genuine members are far better than a hundred with ulterior motives.

tried several times to join your forum and it just regects my passcode can you help, could not even leave a message as it just sat there


It is caused by one of those big alligators at the entrance.

You may be correct Kenny , the previous verification code was being cracked by bots several times a day so we decided to go to the next level , perhaps it is now too high as I tried a test join after reading Pete's post.
I couldn't get past either :-[
I will look into this asap.

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