A video of my tiny Hit & Miss Engine.
How many parts are there to this gear milling machine and how do you attach it to your mill or lathe? I've heard of that Eureka.Something completely different from hit & miss engines for once.
A few years ago, I had the idea of building a gear milling machine. While looking for drawings, I came across an article in “The Modell Engineer” magazine and discovered the Eureka tool.
I found the mechanics interesting to rebuild.
I found some material for it in my stash.
I have adapted the english measurements to the metric system. The pawls were hardened after completion.
The main shaft was made of 43 CrMo4 steel, all bolts are also made of this material and partially hardened and tempered.
I have numbered the individual parts according to the drawing.
Last but not least, I found a nice little box for it.