Dean, Ariz, & Bob: Thanks, guys.
Got on with the coolant tank after re-working the fuel tank stand. Started out by truing up some 3" OD ali tube, and then cleaning up the exterior
A straightforward bit of turning and boring for the top
Set up the stock for the base on the rotary table to mill the recess that the tank body sits in
Then used the base-plate as it's own template for locating the mounting holes on the wooden base
Made up the inlet and outlet fittings, a replay of the bits for the fuel tank, so no photo of that, and then stuck it all together with some more two-part epoxy (with my carefully hoarded chunks of cast iron weighing things down while the epoxy sets up)
And here it is where it belongs.
Getting close to the finish line now, only got the coolant pump, cams, carb, and a few oilers left to machine, and then its assembly and start figuring out why it won't run.....
Cheers, Joe