Project of the Month Winner !!!
And good looking is all it may ever be. Dis-assembled the engine and inspected everything. Everything looked good except the rings, I could see where they were not mating to the cylinder wall. Measured the cylinders and found them to be round with no taper. Made new rings of cast iron and honed them in a dummy cylinder until they fit tight to the wall of the cylinder. Used a ball type cylinder hone to break the glaze and installed new shaft seals. Reassembled and tried to start the engine again. It would run roughly for a minuet or so and then slowly konk out. All four cylinders are developing 35 psi at about 60 RPM. So now I am thinking about trying different spark plugs and carb. On the bright side I got around the cooling water problem by elevating one end of the engine .25 allowing the cooling water to run down hill to the tank. The water gets hot quickly and there is no oil contamination so I know the head gaskets are holding.
For now I'm going to clean it up and put it on the shelf. Spring is here and soon the rain will stop and I have a lot of work to do outside.
Mark T
And good looking is all it may ever be. Dis-assembled the engine and inspected everything. Everything looked good except the rings, I could see where they were not mating to the cylinder wall. Measured the cylinders and found them to be round with no taper. Made new rings of cast iron and honed them in a dummy cylinder until they fit tight to the wall of the cylinder. Used a ball type cylinder hone to break the glaze and installed new shaft seals. Reassembled and tried to start the engine again. It would run roughly for a minuet or so and then slowly konk out. All four cylinders are developing 35 psi at about 60 RPM. So now I am thinking about trying different spark plugs and carb. On the bright side I got around the cooling water problem by elevating one end of the engine .25 allowing the cooling water to run down hill to the tank. The water gets hot quickly and there is no oil contamination so I know the head gaskets are holding.
For now I'm going to clean it up and put it on the shelf. Spring is here and soon the rain will stop and I have a lot of work to do outside.
Mark T