Simpson and Shipton Running (just)

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Project of the Month Winner!!!
Project of the Month Winner
Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score

I think I may have run up against the limitation of the design it will only run for a few seconds with my small compressor before it runs out of wind.

After all they only ever made two of them i guess thats why.


Edited link - Arnold
That is definitely running out of air Stew, maybe it is just a hungry engine at this time. Running in for a couple of hours should really help.

You can always bring it round and stick it onto my larger compressor, if you can find a space in my shop to put it down on. Just joking of course, for one of your engines, I will move machinery about.

Beautiful build, yet again.

Thanks John and Jim

Well its getting better with a bit of fettling I can get a couple of minutes out of it when the pressure drops to about 40 psi it stops

Hi John:- I'll be round latter in the week with a bit of luck we can have a play with it then, I've spotted one or two things that can be sorted but that will me a complete strip down, so i'll leave them to later I'll just keep running it for a bit to see how it goes.

One thing with this engine is that its not easy to work on.

Nice one Stew. Congratulations on a beautiful engine.


Nice one Stew. For what appears to be a very complicated engine you did well. :bow: :bow: :bow: But with the projects you've done I'd expect nothing less.

Just my opinion, but some of you're engines seem complicated enough to rival building a model V-8 or a 9 cyl radial IC eingine.

Will be looking for future video.

Very nice Stew - I like it a lot! :bow: :bow:

Kind regards, Arnold
Congratulations on getting it running Stew, that is one complicated bit of kit you have built there, I must admit to wondering if it would actually run, because there must have been a good reason why that particular design was abandoned.
Nevertheless a beautiful repro and something to be proud of. (Still love your overcrank though) and am seriously considering having a go at it myself, so be prepared for questions when I hit the wall.


Thanks for you're interest and comments Guys

I think you don't realy start to understand an engine untill you start to assemble it and try and get it to run, with this one i'm going through a steep learning curve, I've stripped it down and started to fettle one or two issues with it, the big thing is that I think I've made a wrong choice of material for the piston I've used PTFE and I've found that its very temperature sensitive for size I stuck it in the fridge and it reduced in size by 0.15mm if I warm it up in my hand it goes over size by 0.1m and the engine tightens up, so I'm making a cast iron cylinder. I also thing the base looke a bit clumsy so I'm going to resculpture that some.

